Germany top tier SPAA (Flakrad)

Germany is pretty good nation aswell as its awesome Leapord tanks and great lightweight speedy boys (Wissel 1A2) but when it comes to SPAA germany talks last.
Germany had great spaa Aka the flakrad for its top tier. It cooked and destoyerd anything in its way and was domanting the game battlefield but the gajin had to take it
nerf hammer bonk
The nerf aboustley made flakrad missiles (VT-1) The worst missile in the entire game. Its nerf is so bad that cold war SPAA is better it.
Not only that but russian Top tier jets have missiles with 50km range more range than VT-1 whilst the only SPAA to fight it is the russian pantsir.
Honstely its PURE dogshit Unnerf the VT-1 beacuse germany top tier SPAA suffers and when they say “just spawn cas bro” makes it worse since germanys only 4th gen fighter is the eurofighter whilst the other nations have top tier jets even japan has top tier (UK suffers the same)
Just please in the name of god UNNERF THE VT-1

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Eurofighter is the most powerful ASF in the game right now. Nothing comes close to it, so idk what you mean by Germany and UK are suffering in the top tier jet department.

Christ, the German Eurofighter is so bugged right now that it can literally fly under the map to avoid missiles lmao.


Germany Is NOT last in the SPAA department.
Just look at Italy, Japan and Israel.


Been fixed like, uh, 2 hours ago. I already miss my submarine bias :(

there was a huge nerf for VT1 but it is still possible to do smth rn
because the arrival of Eurofighter I wouldnt say that it is hard to fight against CAS in GRB
just spawn a Eurofighter with AIM120 and problem solved

im not talkin about eurofighter
its about the nerfed to exstience VT-1 missiles but yes i didnt try the eurofighter and its true

This just goes to show that people who main the bigger 3 or 4 nations ingame, dont really give a damn about the rest… Flarakrad makes Germany LAST? where my Israeli chapparel’s at??? And this behaviour is then copied by the Snail and probably is the reason minor nations get things fixed or added rarely, If they get anything at all.


Flying counter Cas with jetfighters is difficult with Pantsirs around. There’s a nofly zone around the ground map and around the enemy airbase. Most of the airspace in the enemy map half is blocked. One mistake and you eat SAMs. Its also hell of expensive to spawn a jet with MRAAMs.

Best is still Flarakrad. Be smart, don’t hug the spawn and you will counter 90% of all CAS threats. 100 spawn points…got for it.

yeah and I agreed with that, the reason why I talk about Eurofighter is just providing a compensation if someone is facing a problem that Flakrad cant solve.
I mean, the nerf is significant, but VT1 is still capable to do something, at least it still got a good speed

btw you replyed to the wrong person so I didnt get the pin

just in case that if you wonder what the heck Im talking about, allow me to show you some actual result



as you can see, you could still hunt some heli down with this big boy, I may agree that should unnerf VT1 before Eurofighter got add in but now I think things are fine or atleast acceptable for me