General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

wich if im not wrong at least half of the weight compared to normal RHA was cut down due to the external armor and hull made out of this material

Idk about that but it should be around 4 times more effective then RHA iirc

ik that its insanely effective at deflecting rounds due to how the material works on high speed impacts

Speaking of which, when is someone going to bug report it

I doubt its THAT effective, signitficantly better than RHA yes but that much i doubt. There was a study about it from ~13 years ago. Its called “Ballistic performance of nanocrystalline and nanotwinned ultrafine crystal steel”

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IF anyone will try to bug report the armor again, here’s some articles on nanometric stuff which may or may not help.

41563_2021_1033_MOESM1_ESM.rar (400.4 KB) (PDF of scientific article mentioned by CIT since it’s behind a paywall)

This section right here

Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 23-51-55 Puma IFV armor and upgrade speculations

Until we get more info from JP MOD we can only speculate.

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i believe that its for the PUMA ifv if im not wrong

Here is one thing, not sure how effective it would be.

“While conducting shooting tests to improve and stabilize bullet resistance, large-sized shooting test boards necessary for equipment were prototyped. After comprehensive real-size testing, the grain-refined bulletproof steel plates were adopted for the Type 10 tank and the subsequently developed Type 16 maneuver combat vehicle.”



Its nothing specific, just material science about a specific type of steel.

wouldn’t surprise me if the type 10’s a transformer, also does anyone have new info about that new japanese type 16 ifv?

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Knowing Gaijin they’ll want specific values but still useful nevertheless

speaking of type 16s. i do wonder if they have DM63 equivalent APFSDS. that way we could have a new type 16 at 10.0br

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new type 16 ifv? you mean the one that looks like a buffed up type 87 RCV?

yes that one. CCV is what it’s called i think?

close, Common Tactical Wheeled Vehicle (CTWV?) i have absolutely 0 knowledge on what it should be capable of, only that its a type 16 with an autocannon






If its Wikipedia i really don’t trust it no matter what it is because of such i shall treat it with a grain of salt.

Didn’t Japan deploy the Komastu LAV in Iraq though during their peacekeeping missions there?

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They did indeed…

They also have been deployed to south of Sudan.

Some vehicles, such as those in the Central Readiness Regiment and International Activity Education Unit at Utsunomiya Garrison, which are units with frequent overseas deployments, are equipped with smoke grenade launchers. These vehicles have been deployed with additional protective plates on the upper body and wire cutters to protect the personnel leaning out of the vehicle, used in PKO (United Nations peacekeeping operations) and Iraq reconstruction support.
During overseas deployments, the LAVs were equipped with air conditioning, which received favorable reviews from foreign soldiers for providing a comfortable environment. Vehicles used in Iraq reconstruction support are also displayed at the entrance of the Ground Self-Defense Force Public Relations Center, Rikun Land.

People need to do their research before make any statement about the GSDF, in this case saying how they never been anywhere outside of Japan.


The differences between the LAV deployed overseas and the one in Japan is the addition of the armored turret for protecting the machine gunner but the balistic spall liners (at least what appear to be) are installed on all LAVs.


It’s understandable if you have reservations about trusting the information, but asserting a categorical ‘No’ regarding the presence of spall liners in those tanks seems to be more rooted in presumptions than factual evidence.
Would not it be betterif you could share a source or reference that supports your statement. Even if it’s from Wikipedia, I don’t really care, as it allows me to cross-check the information by examining the sources cited in the article later on.