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In 1940, the Tula Design Bureau, or known by the full name JSC Konstruktorskoe Buro Priborostroeniya (KBP), developed and built an anti-aircraft defense installation, with the help of Tokarev Nikolai Fedorovich, consisting of a trinity of 12.7 mm DShK machine guns. The machine guns appeared to be fed by magazines of the classic type, pointer and gunner seats, guidance mechanisms, and sights on a special bracket. The equipment was named as “TKB-149,” and one of these systems was mounted on a GAZ-AAA truck in September 1941 at Sverdlov Square, Moscow, in preparation for possible German air attacks. Shortly before these events the People’s Commissariat of the Navy ordered 10 of these rigs for mounting on top of light naval vessels and 20 for the NKVD, but it is not known how many were actually delivered so the rig used in Moscow remains the only one with known use. The vehicle was probably rearmed after more sophisticated antiaircraft armament was designed and the armament itself was probably reused for land use with the infantry.

Armaments and propulsion.

As mentioned earlier, the vehicle was armed with three 12.7 mm DShK machine guns placed in a TKB-149 type rig and fed by magazines of unknown capacity, and the weapon had good range and elevation. The ammunition reserve is not known.
The armament was probably mounted on a GAZ-AAA truck powered by a 3.3L GAZ-AA I4 engine of 50 hp power, which could propel the truck up to 60 km/h top speed.



Crew: 5
Length: 5,335 m
Width: 2.04 m
Height: ~2 m
Weight: 3.1 tons
Engine: 3.3L GAZ-AA I4 (50 hp)
Maximum speed: 60 km/h
Armament: 3x DShK 12.7 mm (TKB-149)
Pivot: 360°
Elevation: 0°/50° (estimated)

Pictures and drawnings.





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GAZ-AAA (DShK) - War Thunder Wiki


This is a better AA alternative to the 25mm truck we have now IMO. Very similar to the American M45 Quadmount which is very good. +1

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If I remember right, a version of the DShK 4x exist but it wasn’t used on a truck (if I remember correct).

Wouldn’t surprise me if somebody, somewhere, has probably put it on a truck at some time. The match is just too tempting to not try at least once. :p

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I’ve seen this photo several times, and I’d really like to play it! +1

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Czechoslovakia had a quad DshK AA mount which was used by a number of countries during the cold war. Egypt, for one, mounted theirs on BTR-152s.


Russia already has more SPAA than they should have


And some nations have none. Since Gaijin is stubborn and does not change the situation, I suggest vehicles that I just like.