Game Masters can u help?

Добрый день. Были проблемы с ником, забанили попросили сменить.
Ник изменён, прошу разбанить пожалуйста
Не могу связаться с Game Master`ами
Заранее благодарю

Good afternoon. There were problems with the nickname, they were banned and asked to change it.
The nickname has been changed, please unban please
Thank you in advance


Official notice:

➤ To request help regarding a Name related Account Ban, please contact a Game Master via Forum PM.


Hello. I was banned for having an innapropiate nickname. The nickname has been changed to Kurker09Lol on my warthunder account. Please unban, Thank you.

Official notice:

➤ To request help regarding a Name related Account Ban, please contact a Game Master via Forum PM.

= )