I have installed the game a few days ago. Had a crash with reboot and the game ran after that without any trouble at all for 2 or 3 days. Since of yesterday the game keeps crashing at different points in the game. Sometimes i can play 2 or 3 missions before anything happens, sometimes only half a mission. All is updated on my system, theres hasent been any changes on the drivers etc. since the install. Try to roll back to the insatllation day, it didn´t help on the crash issue at all. It´s such a shame while I do fancy the game a lot and just wanna have fun playing it. I have windows 11 64 bit. 64GB ram, 2TB SSD, 4TB Backup HD Drive, Creative/Sound blaster X6 audio. No problem regarding sound, video drivers, other running games etc. But Warthunder keeps crash and freezes and sometimes also makes blue screen of dead?!
I run the game via the games own launcher. I hope someone can help me fix the issue. I do have tryed the command fixes, admin run, exe. file, cache file, ace launcher, easy cheat install and reinstall, but nothing has so far fixed this issue. I can seen several other palyers have had those trouble with the game like i have. PLEASE HELP?!
Did anyone reply to you? I’ve got the same problem.