Game crashing solutions

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This topic will give you quick and simple guide what to do if you are experiencing game crashes.

1. Check files
First thing that you can do if you are having constant game crashing is to check game files.
How you check game files?
Simple, go to launcher, then check upper right corner for wrench icon, click on it and then look for “Check files” button. Click on it and wait for launcher to scan you game files and fix or replace missing files.

2. Update GPU drivers
If your GPU drivers are out of date, try updating them to latest ones. This happened to me multiple times, game kept crashing, and I only missed one update for my GPU.

3. Run game in Windowed mode
Changing from Full screen to Windowed mode could fix problem for some people.
How to change from one mode to another?
Open launcher, and look at the top, there should be resolution settings, simple.

4. Wait for new update fix
Sometimes no matter what you try will solve game crashing, and in this situation best thing to do is to wait day-two for update fixes, these usually will fix crashes.

Just to mention, these are bare minimum, simplest solutions that you can do right now that helped me in the past. Sorry for not including Steam guides, I never used Steam to play this game, so I don’t have much experience with it.

I hope you will find this helpful.