Gaijin, please un-nerf the Lorraine 155

It’s hardly a common vehicle, but I’m a great fan of the Lorraine 155 Mle.50. As datamined here by @gszabi99, the forward and reverse speed were nerfed. The reverse speed in particular being more than halved! As far as I can see, this change went completely undocumented with no source provided.

It’s a pretty crippling change to a vehicle with no armour and a long reload that relies on scoot-and-shoot tactics. With the overall superior M44 sitting at a lower BR, could we either have the Lorraine’s mobility un-nerfed or documentation for the change provided?


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Posting here won’t solve or fix anything. If you have sources, I advise you to make a bug report.


Damn, a 0.07 km/h speed reduction, that is a huge nerf :P

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Losing half of your reverse speed is quite a bit.


bruh are u driving it on reverse gear?

So I’ve been marinating in drink for the last 6 hours, and my maths ain’t great at the best of times, but isn’t it a 7.3 reduction according to the image they have?

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There was a tiny reduction in the forward speed and a halving of the reverse speed and I was making a joke about the tiny reduction in the forward speed being a major nerf

You are indeed correct on that front. I apparently can’t read.

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You’re right, I’m just not sure how available primary sources for the vehicle are. A ten-minute search just brought up a couple of secondary sources and a 404 link.
Maybe my post should be emphasising ‘give us your sources and document your changes’ rather than ‘reverse the shadow nerf, please’.

They also nerfed the M60A1 (AOS) and F4D-1 without sources either. Nothing out of the ordinary for Gajin.

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Interestingly enough, all the secondary sources I’ve come across state it to have a top speed of 62 km/h and 685 hp rather than the 55 km/h and 600 hp it has in game. This matches up with the CA Lorraine’s speed and horsepower, and I believe the Lorraine 155 is built on the CA Lorraine’s chassis.

Another vehicle it was fun to play and now the reverse speed which was super important for it is gone… that’s insane and now the vehicle is hardly fun to play since you shoot and if you were miss you’re plain dead, that’s all.

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