Gaijin really needs to fill in some of the TT holes and add actually unique stuff to subtrees cough Finland cough
Yep. Gaijin has tunnel vision on quick profits and doesn’t realize the long term health of the game increases their profit potential.
They are focusing on siphoning maximum money out of existing players instead of increasing the overall popularity of the game and creating more potential customers.
Let me fix this comment for you
That’s very unfortunate props are a ton of fun
Depends who for, im personally lot interested in modern air combat, sure ww2 history is interesting but im a lot more interested in the current generation of aircraft like the eurofighter which we hopefully will see soon
that’s fine and dandy but there’s a lot of mechanics and older vehicles that need to be fleshed out and adding newer stuff constantly (like stealth for f117) draws dev attention away from it
NO! Its better to just keep adding and adding and adding, instead of fixing existing vehicles.
I think the current game has quite a lot of vehicles, but our gameplay is as lacking as ever, the activities are too monotonous just to get enough points, and the conquest mode we tested before has no further development. I would love to see the mechanics deepen and enrich.