Gaijin needs to nerf the Leopard 2A7V immediately or Remove Spall Liners

Not exactly. If it’s not possible to nerf the Leos, at least balance the Merkava 4. Doesn’t Gaijin use the balancing factor? Why not improve armor that was just created out of nowhere by Gaijin? Fictional armor to fit the meta.

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the only balancing factor gajin uses for mbts are reload rate and BR, They do not make the armor fictional, the armor is like in real life or the closest sources available


Alright buddy. Aside from that, what @x_Shini said.

I’ve already requested a source from a mod on the Russian forum, and he simply didn’t respond. This is because the armor of the Merkava 4 is entirely fictional
Merkava Mk.4M - Техника в игре / Наземная техника - War Thunder — официальный форум

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gajin in general doesnt give out their sources normaly, partialy because they maybe arent even allowed to if its from licensed books etc. You should talk directly to the isralish community if you want information about the tank

Besides that if you wanna discuss the Merkava 4, make a new thread or search for an existing one. But this whole thread complaining about the leopard is a farce with untrue statements being hypocritical and only being salty because other tanks arent performing as they should

Its not a balance issue, its just how it is, although i think Gaijin could still lower the reload, considering they are already bending the “realism” by giving the Abrams a full ready rack of rounds every 5 seconds.

Yes, it does. Currently the 2A7V is underperforming by a long shot, protection-wise, its currently using armor arrays from a 90’ MBT instead of its own one. Acceleration-wise as well, its underperforming even on that. Also it does have big issues neutral steering sometimes because reasons i guess


M8, looking at your stats, you clearly have no idea what you’re doing at ALL in top tier. Stop wasting everyones time and learn to play the game a bit more before complaining about how good a vehicle is. Had you not been talking I would’ve genuinely thought you were a bot

And thats not us starting on Dm63 or DM73

Also the fun part is that protection-wise the 2A7V is worse than the STRV122’s currently, so how have people been dealing with 122’s since its in the game by like what 3 years?


The WT community as a whole forgets how to shoot at a Leo 2 the moment a new german one is added to the game, and then go to reddit/the forums to cry about it. Its always been that way.

That or gaijin added a REALLY strong magnet in the hull beak, cuz thats where everyone shoots for some reason

Its the evil spall liners and most people seem to forget that only the T 90M was supposed to receive them

Yes, spallliners are over performing and they performance should be reduced, yes Leopards are thought to fight so you should first disable it and then put a well shot, yes your shots are well known as “skill issue” because after first shot spallliner is no longer there, yes T-90M also has spallliners that needs to be nerfed, yes T-80BVM doesn’t has spallliners but his side armour acts like it has them permanent, yes you can be gaijined at some point in the game and get frustrated

I do agree spall liners sometimes does some funni stuff, but this issue is not for the Leos but for spall liners in general lol

the evil spall liner thats functionally useless on the 2A7V?

Its useful, slightly, just like on every MBT that does have it

They already have

This guy is funny, he only has meta and OP tanks and wants to talk about statistics. He’s quite a joker

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its better than not having it sure, but it is “functionally” useless, seeing as most of the front that can be penetrated doesnt have it, and if you’re struggling with side shots, then its purely a skill issue

now your being delusional it isn’t useless

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