Gaijin need to add spall liners to Chinese vehicles

Im not the one who kept bragging the same issue to the table but suit yourself.

Other ones attacked me by using my one reply about Abrams “minor” inaccuracies, but hey what do i know?

Not really.

Sneed mentioned about new bug that he found on VT-4, im gonna stay and see whats going on.

You do you, now you could go.

I dont take actions based on your words.

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That was assuming on your own will to continue the discussion elsewhere. Nobody can order anybody indeed.

Wasnt planning to discuss anything, just gonna sit in here, read new problems about VT-4 while not interacting with anyone.

Sounds good for you i believe.

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Absolutely, make yourself comfy as you’re more than welcome to do that

It’s the UFP being weaker than it should be, but that’s not related to the spall liners.

What IS related to that UFP and what I’ve just found is right here:

Where we can see that the VT-4 UFP is indeed covered by a spall liner.
Which is a pretty big thing and something that I should send to the community bug report.

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What seems to be causing that problem?

Yes i know, you showed multiple photos proves that Chinese Tanks are missing their Spall liners. The real thing is does Gaijin wants to do anything about it or do we have anything that can force their hands?

The angle is simply being completely ignored. It’s what it is.

Yes, apparently that image was also sent in the bug report - Community Bug Reporting System it just wasn’t very nicely choreographed to show the thickness and positioning of the spall liner.

At this point, I would say that the VT-4 has a pretty extensive record of its spall liner (covering basically everything with superior coverage to even the Leopard 2A7V) and I’m mostly looking for spall liner images (especially of the driver position) of the ZTZ-99A, ZTL-11 and the ZBD04A.

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I see.

Does regular VT-4 also have Spall Liners or is it something special to VT-4A1 model?

The regular VT-4 and the VT-4A1 seem to have absolutely no differences.

only the abrams does have spall liners. All ww2 tanks have spall liners, even the pattons have spall liners.

Good, then both model will recieve Spall liners and additional side ERA kit.

Assuming Gaijin will add regular VT-4 and those features tho.

Bro enough, we already did this multiple times.

You can talk about this on Abrams thread.

he’s done this before snails is a troll and hate americans.

Love entering a thread about an issue for an underrepresented nation and the first comments being ABRAMS ABRAMS ABRAMS but the ABRAMS BRO. No amount of spall liners will save america players from their own idiocy. They could have a copypaste 2A7V and still shit the bed.

On the thread topic, Gaijin has a major issue with actually implementing changes in a timely manner. There should probably be more steps in the process than Acknowledged > Implemented. It might help clear up some confusion as to where issues lie if there was a Researching Further or some other tag added to issues.




strange, i remember time when this entire player base kept whining about any and everything american. Even had to Limit the M1 Abrams to 4 a match. I guess you either forgot about that time period or just didn’t play the game back then.
Oh btw i just want to point out a little something, since you and the rest of this brain dead player base keeps thinking its " american players "
Your U.S Vehicle Stats

Your German vehicle stats

Your russian Vehicle stats

Kind of strange where your " meta vehicles " and vehicles like the Leo2A7 that has more armor and spall liners are at higher win percentages. , but your U.S tanks are in the 30s% and 40% I guess you couldn’t save yourself from your own idiocracy eh?

So you’re telling me you played months and years ago before the 2a7 was released? thats why you only have 1 rank 4 and no rank 5 vehicles, but you played all those years ago… stomping U.S Teams right?

you real good, hop into the simulator battles thats going on right now for top tier.

This is incorrect. All Ariete Series got spall liners in the Dev Server, currently Ariete AMV, PSO and C1 liners are clipping with the armor but this already got reported internally.
