Gaijin game masters Abuse their power by helping their friends to bully players with chat ban

Recently i went to a ground sim match and got 13 kills and win the match by myself, then two enemy players started harassment and bullied me in chat. After i killed this player 3 time and despite having no spawn point he didn’t leave the match and kept bulling me in the chat and saying nasty things about me. i ignored the guy and kept playing and won the match. after 15 minutes i got 30 days chat ban just because the other guy started talking about my balls and i asked him why are you asking about my balls ? do you want to kiss them ? then i killed the guy with KH29 and i replied kiss my kh29 in response to him.
This is the match server replay : Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On

I think this guy (TheCoolPersian) has a friend in gamemasters and i got bullied and chat-banned for 30 days just because i killed them and won the match.


@Badpanzer can you help please ?



You actually even published the reason for the chatban yourself:

There is no abuse of power, simply you abusing the game rules.


that guy kept bully me whole the match. 30 days of chat ban is injustice when i got bullied just because i got 13 kills and asked him : do you want to kiss ***, kiss my kh29.

How am i abusing the game rules when that guy started talking about my balls and told me to shave and then accused me of being a cheater, then keep trash talking about my fat preventing me to socializng … this is INSANE !


It’s not a question of what the other did (which of course is handled with the same rules as your messages). You clearly broke the rules, the reason for it is irrelevant.


I guess i have to deal with 30 days of chat ban while someone else started saying nasty things to me. thank you for your time and explanations.


If someone says nasty things to you, report him and we will take care of it.

Just don’t respond with nasty messages yourself.

There is a really easy solution for you if you can’t control yourself when other people start baiting you, just turn enemy chat off.

Then you dont have to deal with any of it from the beginning.


So this is reason why none of my team mates react to messages and pings on maps and me saying there are 2 planes up or where is what after i ping it on map? Awesome, idk why is this a thing, you shouldnt be able to turn off chat in team based game…

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No, I can still see messages from my own team and you can always see pings on the map. There is a perfectly good chat wheel menu that is easy to use and has basically everything you would need to communicate faster than typing that noone uses. Your Team mates dont react to anything because that are bad at the game, which they are allowed to be without getting abuse from people who take themselves and the game too seriously.

i can control myself, i just didn’t know saying that is anything sexual ! thank you for that tip. since i do have lot’s of friends who know me in Warthunder community (playing actively in different Squadrons) i just don’t want to be rude by not responding to their hello’s when they see me in opposite team.

Chat wheel menu wont let me tell team there is IS-4 peaking the corner or that there are 4 tanks in that street.

Pinging where people are is a more effective means of communication then saying “4 guys over there on that street” or “there is an IS-4 peeking me”. But it doesnt even matter because what I said doesnt remove chat from your own team…

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you must be dmg in the head to chat ban a guy for saying balls

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This right here is why the WT GM team hasn’t been invited to GameCons since the 2022 incident. Way to go grub.