Gaijin and modern NATO armor

There is no change to T-series tanks period in survivability.

lol Okay then. Like I said. Believe what you want.

There is no way to know unless you work for Gaijin. And I’ve oranged enough T series ammo in side hull shots to know that the survivability is too high compared to IRL.

Dude… datamines exist. No one has to work for Gaijin to know this stuff.
Their survivability is identical to IRL.

The game data is not IRL data.

Unless you’ve seen the classified documents (which I have) you don’t have any idea how strong they are anyway. Enough publicly available historical information exists to point to the fact that penning a T series in the hull anywhere cooks off their ammo. It’ just powderbags in an open carousel. Of course it’s going to blow up.

Like I said. Believe whatever you want. But to believe so strongly in something you know less about then experts is childish.

Without tanking into account IRL, since this is a game-
Since the charges and ammo changes they’re much more consistent on exploding when shooted on sideshots and lfp shots, bar the T90M, which is still a bit inconsistent, but this is cause the Spall Liners.

Don’t see the issue with Russian tanks now to be fair, they’re not the best nor the worst.

Weird since I’m repeating what the experts are saying.
T-series does cook off in WT, and in my experience 100% of the time, even when there was a bug where there was a chance of that not occurring largely cause my rounds went through 3+ rounds almost always.

Which experts? Any of the ones that actually build or develop armor? Any of the ones that have seen the classified data. Everything I see that is publicly available is just so much piles of garbage. And I will ask the question: Who’s the more foolish, the fool or the fool that follows him?

The first step to knowing how modern armor works is understanding that virtually everything you find online is so incredibly limited it’s more deceptive than informative.

Oh snap. Really? When did this happen. I mean according to @AlvisWisla there are no changes.

There were no changes, that was a bug fix. Bug fixes aren’t changes to the ammo characteristics itself, it’s fixing unwanted actions.

Great, well now they can remove the insane fuel detonation debuff

Fuel detonation is on all tanks in WT, and an intended feature.
If they complicate fuel tanks they’ll change that.

It’s not. Engine bay fuel tanks, and the frontal fuel tanks on the Abrams, do not detonate. Low tier (below 7.7) fuel tanks do not detonate and/or WW2 ammo does not cause them to detonate, hard to say which. Fuel tanks marked as external do not detonate EXCEPT those on the T-90M. Of the current top tier roster, only the Leclerc, Type 10, and all Soviet/Russian tanks have the “fuel detonated” kill state.

They do detonate.
The armor that surrounds the tank prevents the explosion from entering the crew compartment.
T-34, Sherman, KV-1, etc all detonate.

I’ve never seen that happen in hundreds of games in those vehicles, what ammo type typically causes the explosion?

I’ve fired APCR and APCBC.

Fuel explodes in low tier its just a rare dice roll. Preferably explode aphe inside it which is tricky itself because of limited size of fuel tank

welp irl as many people mention “Most case” Gunner aim at the center of the target not certain weakspot . Thus they might not hit ammunition inside target.

But in this game player can aim for ammuniton or any part of the target they want with super accurate FCS (LRF) . So ammo getting direct hit are more common things in WT
Gaijin did decrease “ammo burning change” before (again this apply to any nation not just Soviet) many gameplay footage people post did show AP , APFSDS rod or HEAT jet making direct contact with ammunition be it warhead or propellant and just make ammunition turn black and dispear or just damage it (yellow,orange,red) while passing through.
For example

Welp i’ll be glad to see if they did fix “ammo not burning” when getting a direct hit [not just Soviet] . (Not going to get my hope up though)


Ammo is likely but not guaranteed to detonate upon destruction. IIRC the complaints specifically towards the Soviets was that their ammo is considered to be in wet storage which reduces the likelyhood of them detonating, and that small plates around the ammo compartments tend to soak up a lot of spall without producing any

To clarify. irl Ammo hit would mostly result in propellant catching fire and start burning.(hence I use term burning) Since propellant part are usaully occupied over 50-80% of entire ammo/round dimension. And are very easy to ignite or catch fire than high exprosive warhead.

The wet storage doesn’t completely stop ammo from burning. But it does slow down the burning process (which does increase the time that crew need to bail out of vehicles) and help catch spalling from hitting ammo. Armor plate around the ammo compartments also doesn’t stop ammo from burning. It there to help protect spalling from reaching ammo.

What people complain are the case where we see AP/APFSDS rod / HEAT jet making direct hit with ammo but ammo just turn black and dispear or just damage it (yellow,orange,red) while AP/APFSDS/HEAT passing through entire compartment…


it should be enough to know that Gaijin takes verified and credible armor bug reports and submits them as “suggestions”

Credible Abrams bugs, still ignored 6mo+:

I suggest they model tanks armor accurately and balance from that.