Gaijin and modern NATO armor

Try “we will artifically nerf both tanks”, because that’s what actually happened, lol.

Poor USA. 3rd best top-tier mbt in game. And there 3 of them in tree. The most miserable nation in game. Even got reload buff before Merkava, Ariete, Challenger and Leclerc because the average USA top tier player is the lowest skilled and loudest at the same time)

And what vehicle would be the answer for the USSR?

The bottom line is, Sweden tanks are idiot easy to play and Merkava are far more challenging to play.
Corrected, don’t thank me. I recommend playing on USSR tanks first and enjoy exploding fuel tanks and non-tanking ammunition in 9/10 times. I didn’t like it. Everything except the bvm is below average.

That called fair gameplay. Weak become stronger, strong become weaker for the sake of balance. Enjoy.

There was already a reply from the developers about the 2a7 and t90m current state. Some bugs they can fix only in major patches. It’s not an artifically nerf of 2a7. It’s just a poorly and hastily done job. Incompetence is not an evil intent.

It has been based on it before? The Abrams in-game is based on the tests done on an EAP package, plus an estimated multiplier to put it on-par with HAP.

Does not justify [blah blah blah]?

In which they attempted to gaslight the playerbase that Leopard 2A7s armour is better than they modelled it… in the end it was quickly disproven that it is in fact, in a much worse state than they tried claiming.

It’s not an artifically nerf of 2a7.

Except a lot of them are. We’ve provided the devs with information (primary & secondary) that the protection should exceed that of the Strv 122 on Day 1 of the dev server, then comes the 2nd dev server and the armour values were nerfed to be less than Strv 122s - in fact less than Leopard 2 KVTs, which led to the Leopard 2 TVM max (i.e Strv 122). As of today, the 2A7V is in fact artifically nerfed in numerous ways.

It’s just a poorly and hastily done job. Incompetence is not an evil intent.

Yes, but incompetence is what LED the 2A7V to be modelled the way it is. I also never said the intent behind it was evil (although it certainly feels this way sometimes).

I am aware that Leopard 2A7V was a rushed job, almost everyone is aware of that, since Smin himself confirmed already back in September that Germany is set to receive a “more armoured” Leopard 2, and Smin never gives hints/leaks about upcoming AFVs. In fact it’s become my headcannon that Leopard 2A7V was never supposed to be released this early, as evident by its state during the First Dev Server, where it was entirely blue. It was almost definitely pushed forward to “appease” the German playerbase after the PSO fiasco of September 2k23 (it didn’t do that great of a job), personally I imagine that it was originally planned for the Summer update, or Fall update of 2024, giving both the developers & the person making the model time to polish it, correct any inaccuracies & gather sufficient information to give it proper armour values. However in the end it had fallen upon the playerbase itself to look up all the wrongs with the model of the vehicle, as well as to collect sources & data to create reports, well, it’s been a few weeks by now since most of the stuff was reported… lets see if the new major update changes anything.


The Swedes trials should not be included in any comment regarding American service tanks-
It was the export variant. The fact it uses different armor materials completely voids it source value. It’s totally different armor.


I designate you as the leader of the American WT spokes team.

Actually scratch that, you are now the president and with this title- you will represent all USA mains in the fight against our unjust and unequal treatment by the devs and some biased community members.



do you know what happens if a Military industrial company lies about its product to the government / V.A? they get sued for MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

that kind of mentality must be why i generally find anyone who mains Russian tanks to be completely and utter garbage at this game. Gaijin literally holds the russian tech trees hands to victory.

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Conte, you are talking to Necrons, for the last 5 something years, he has done nothing about whine and complain about american tanks and every single time he brings up some cope " muh reverse speed, muh turret rotation , muh swedish test trials " Nothing gets through to him, he’s going to continue to do the same thing over and over and over.


What comment are you replying to? Or are you just asking me a question?

Agreed to this


I checked your stats in realistic. You don’t really play top tier Russian tanks either.

It’s not balanced. That’s the entire point.

If they took the problem seriously it wouldn’t be an issue. That’s the way things work.

So? It’s like basing the performance of a sports car on it’s pictures. Doesn’t really mean anything.


While this is true. Check his stat card. He mostly plays Britain. Barely ever touched Russia. Except getting roflstomped int T-72b


Why we checking stats what happened

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lol. I don’t really care about the game. I care about misinformation. We live in a new age, the Information Age. And it is only proving that more information makes the ignorant and gullible just more dangerous. We have to adapt. Still, I DO want the game to be fair. Right now, top tier is anything but fair.


Nothing really. Just pointing out when people make claims that are not supported by their in game record. Easy to do.

For the record I don’t play Top TIer anymore. It’s badly designed, badly balanced, and badly implemented. Unequal platforms and lineups at the top several BR’s. Imbalance in mechanics available to players. A constant attempt to fix the problem with insanely expensive to spade SPAA or helicopters or whatever. It’s a terrible game. I think 9.7 and below is solid but dont’ play higher than 8.3 because of all the new player with one premium one death quitters at 8.7 and above ruining matches.

Also for the record I know Russia is brain dead easy and USA/Britain is hard based on weakspots and vehicle profile. Simply put Russian tanks have tiny weakspots and NATO tanks have large ones. And when offered a relatively realistic way to address this Gaijin finds ways not to. (DU armor on Abrams hulls for example)

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How many matches in that vs your Chally 2?

I mean they say a picture is worth a thousand words, but one picture does not an argument make.

I’m arguing in good faith here.

Russia tanks have a lower profile, impervious turret cheeks, a small mantlet weak spots and hulls where the driver’s port is the only weak spot. NATO tanks are much bigger targets, have large mantlet weak spots, and massive easy to penetrate hulls. Not to mention the absurd (and inaccurate) strength of Relikt 5 on the sides of the hull. In short, when it comes to armor Russian tanks are artificially strong to and NATO tanks are artificially weak. To the point of unbalanced gameplay. Numbers do not lie. If you refer to win loss, that is a function of skill. That is harder to quantify with the available information.


Sure, but that also comes with the downside of cramped interiors. Besides, with how laser rangefinders are now implemented, people no longer have any excuse for not hitting on the first shot.

Heavily depends on the tank in question, the T-80BVM as an example has among the largest breech weakspots in top-tier.
But overall they’re relatively small indeed.

Abount 74% of my shots against Russian vehicles are side-shots, people on Reddit and this Forum heavily overrate frontal armour.
The lower glacis is also a viable weakspot on the hull, by the way.


Number can lie, as is the case with various vehicles being played by terrible players causing skewed statistics.
Furthermore, going by raw vehicle stats, NATO tanks still win out due to the multitude of advantages they hold in:

  • Reverse speed
  • Neutral steering
  • Reload rate
  • Gun elevation speed
  • Crew count
  • Ammunition storage

Now that doesn’t mean that they’re automatically superior because not every stat is equal in importance, but when you take into account vehicles such as the Strv 122’s, it’s very difficult to justify playing anything Russian over it.

What about the Merkava? It has constantly been proven to have more armor and actively has acknowledged armor bugs which haven’t been fixed in years. The Armor is modeled incorrectly and can’t stop missiles while the armor can literally get blown off like ERA despite not being modeled as SLERA in game. The Trophy system can’t even stop the Khrizantema’s missile consistently for some reason and the armor can’t stop the missile at all, which was proven blatantly wrong.

Another thing… Why can’t a Merkava stop DM13 frontally?

Armor Map also lies. It goes through almost everywhere including the non-green areas.

That’s because frontal shots are too difficult.

And frontal armor is obviously tremendously important. Or is all tank design stupid?

The other numbers are important too. however, most of them involve penning the tank in the first place. Which, makes their point minor.

This is about how armor in unfairly implemented in the game.

You mostly play the T-80U for your top tier Russian tank It’s nowhere close to the best Russian Top Tier tank. You ahve only 154 matches in the BVM and zero in any other 11.7 Russian tank. I’m willing to bet that since you don’t reap the full rewards of a full 11.7 Russian lineup you are receiving experienced an unfair comparison. When you have a spaded T-80bvm + T-90M Backed up by the 72b3, 80u, and 80uk you have a deep lineup of easy to play vehicles. This tracks with most other nations in quantity, but in ease of play it is king.