They don’t really need to know exactly how things function though, or have access to the actual numbers to produce something that somewhat representative of actual performance.
Take the XM-815 (XM-1) as a baseline for example (since it is known what was used as its threat simulator / surrogate and the composition of the various arrays have been established)
As long as the representative threat at the expected distances does not penetrate things are fine, the actual numbers and mechanics beyond that aren’t as significant, would they be nice to know sure but aren’t entirely necessary.
Also things like the STANAG Level 6 protection requirements and testing procedures are known so otherwise provide a Baseline level of performance, yes the mechanics and technology behind the various arrays in question have obviously improved over time, and there remains the physical signs of changes to armor arrays that are of course unknowable (e.g. the reason as to why the depth of certain arrays changed) but reasonable estimations can be made.
Also things like the fact that crash development of say M829A5 / BM-71 (etc.), or the move to a larger caliber, or massive overhauls to the Array sizes haven’t occurred means that at least it isn’t directly apparent that the evaluation of captured T-90 / M1 variants etc. have not had unexpected results and that the respective sides are at least confidant that whatever mechanical advantages that they have hasn’t degraded sufficiently to cause an immediate response.
Though it would be interesting to see if the T-14 or its follow ons change schema in future based on whatever is learned form the M1s
I don’t doubt that it is, but its not like the MoD / DoD is going to publicly release evaluations of their FME processes, or evaluations of their opponents armor or properly explain how things work, all we can do is see what their public response is to said stimuli.
Though some of the captured M1A1-SAs are on display so a closer look may be possible, though won’t really help with determining much about the later variants of Heavy / Export armor, since they may well have been modified before being sent to Ukraine, though with the obvious use of K-1 / -5 and ARAT tiles Something that uses CE has them concerned (probably the 9M133(M) or a similar system) with the existing array coverage.
I’m pretty sure that they have some stuff from various collections / museums / vendors that isn’t directly available to the public, though is probably not classified.