Lol. Similar armour, similar mobility, smiliar firepower, similar survivability (no spall liners for the hull), worse reload (on all Leopard 2s). You are actually coping beyond belief. M1A2 was the literal answer to the 2A5, M829A2 was the answer to DM53 - but somehow they’re magically “just worse”… classic US mentality of “if we complain enough, we will shut everyone up”.
this is a known fact in WT
This is a known delusion, nothing more.
they are the gold standard as they are the current best tanks in the game.
Yea? How come US managed to perform well & even excellecent at times against them if they’re the “best tanks” (dude this isn’t 2019 anymore).
Wow I did not know that the AIM being in the game was able to tank the win rates of Germany, Britain, Japan, France, Italy, Sweden and Israel, in October that is truly impressive being able to effect almost every single nation in the game at once, truly amazing.
Nice cherry picking when I outright posted the heatmap of your quoted time frame before this, being selectively blind has its perks I guess.
Which is why you were cherrypicking only the months where US managed to perform in above average fashion? Tu quoque fyi.
I guess the Leopard 2 PL is also doing so for German win rates this far along as well
2PL kept Germany’s WRs down for more than a year, even when other nations rebounced from BVM’s onslaught, Germany was still persistently staying below 50% due to the 2PL, lmao.
The Type 10 is still one of the best snipers in the game, it why the vehicle has had a average WR above 60% since it’s introduction, so yes, per it’s WR the Type 10 is a better tank than the M1 Series, in the case of the Leclerc, it it’s WR has stayed around 50%, while I do think that it should have armor improvements, it is, imo equal to the M1 series in capabilities as is. Now we have the Merkava series which is just sad and barely played overall, they need a armor redux and improved reload, and yes I do find them inferior when compared to the M1 series, reminder as well that Israel has pretty much had a identical WR, give or take a few % points, to the US, both nations have had abysmal WRs for a long time and I’ve already mentioned that.
Right, and what’s your experience in any of those vehicles? You guessed it, you haven’t got any. You’re comparing them on paper whereas I do have all but the Merkava’s, and I can confidently state that neither Leclerc nor the Type 10 series perform in the way you think they are.
Being a good sniper? SEPs can do that as well, if not better because their turret armour is actually better. Type 10s perform better as city brawlers ironically.
Leclercs? Good try, apart from very slightly better gun-handling it boasts slower traverse, significantly worse armour et al, worse ammunition, no survivability, worse overall firepower & only identical reload (after a massive bug report)… did I mention it having no survivability & the gimmick of exploding fuel tanks already?
In the case of CAS, defaulting to CAS in a argument about tanks is flat out cope and a crutch at this point given the pendulum has already shifted back to another nation and has yet to effect their WR in a meaningful way.
“I don’t like how their argument makes sense, especially in reference to the timeframe, so I will call it cope”. US has had the best CAS for a while & arguably still does because F-16C is downright oppressive if we discount the existence of the M2K, yet you seem convinced that because Russia received a crutch addition (that I don’t agree with either way), it magically makes your crushing CAS advantage over many other nations… disappear?
Aside from that, nice whataboutism “b-b-but Ka-50!!11”.
The Leclerc and M1 series have identical reloads at 5.0 seconds, F1 is equivalent to M829A1 which is the US’s second best round.
Comparing France’s best round (2nd worst top tier round in the game btw) to a KEP that US gets at 11.0, lmao you’re too funny dude.