Gaijin and modern NATO armor

Next update USSR or Germany or both will get a top tier tank premium
Then their win rates will tank a bit
New rank means newer premiums

Well i do have Russia top tier and can confirm it’s a god damn easy mode pretty much can shut my brain off while playing it


That is not why people are upset. They are upset that Gaijin isn’t being fair in their selection of representing hardware.

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Please explain the artificial and not historically accurate nerf Gaijin is doubling down on regarding the Abrams hull.

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All tanks have easy to pen LFPs. It is balance, every tank has the same weak spots, breach, driver port/turret ring, and LFP. They won’t change it and if they do I will be shocked. What’s even crazier is most tanks don’t even have armor on the LFP.

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go get toptier then and have fun facing strv and leo2a7

and the few that have lfp armor have it bugged because 20 year old trails say so xD
Also still waiting that they revert the nerf from the leopard strv tanks (turret spalling )

T-80BVM 2.2 K\D

M1A2 2.9 K\D

Leopard 2A5 3.4 K\D

Leclerc 4.8 K\D

The BVM has literally the worst stats, among other tanks, with the leopard in your hands being almost twice as good.

I think german - This is an easy mode, judging by your stats.

You draw conclusions without analyzing yourself

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by BVM still above 2.00 even i playing without using any single of my brain cell yeah Russia is easy mode judging by how stupid i play and still above 2.00 and my Leopard 2a5 3.4? heh heh heh you still don’t see the worse of me and if you gonna judge me by stats alone hell maybe even Challenger 2 are better than BVM because i have more K/D on it

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Well, then get on the BVM now and show K\D 10+.

It’s funny that once again no one can show the incredible dominance in BVM stats over other tanks.

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oh, you trying to say Russian suffer hahaha if you say that it’ll be golden comedy everyone knows that sht if you have a hard time with Russia, it still issues pal plus i’m not going back to play that unfair tech tree again am better than that and to answer your question well i can answer that why it because Russian main are low skills in general so that why most of them can’t even reach 2.00 K/D even with that broken ass tanks

Here is the problem with all of your arguments. It doesn’t need to be twice as good. It just needs to be meaningfully better. It is meaningfully better.

Besides. This is all just a side argument. The central theme of the argument is that NATO tanks get unfair treatment because they have better document security and Russia gets falsely positive treatment because the historical record shows, clearly, that none of the stuff they build meets the specifications they say they do.

Just want to point out that the Devs are NOT making the argument that the performance of the tank is balanced and therefore fine. They are making the argument that they do not think the NATO tanks have good enough documentation to give them better armor. This is simply not the case by any reasonable metric. Especially given that they do not, at all, have any idea what the tanks actually do IRL.


This is whataboutism. And entirely irrelevant to the argument.

Again. This is, fundamentally, about fairness. And what is happening to NATO tanks vs. Russian tanks is categorically unfair.

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This presumes that the LFP is the same size on all tanks. It is not. In fact, Russian tanks are unique in presenting more UFP than LFP in the context of this game. This is a false equivalency.


Not the point. The point is Russia has a lineup of the simplest tanks to play. Other nations have, at best two, and down to zero tanks that are as forgiving as Russian tanks.

I mean strv122 that people cry out its OP turn out it pretty much best example how hull armor should work strong UFP weak LFP which make sense for a pretty much any tanks.

Not a representative sample. This is all sorts of logically flawed. Your argument is that individual players don’t do well in the T-80/90 series tank than they are fine. This is the fallacy of the small sample as well as the exception.

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Again this ignores how Russian tanks have tiny LFP vs UFP and all NATO tanks have large LFP vs UFP. This is a false equivalency


In what message? You made that up. I just want someone to back up their opinion with statistics

This is impossible as the only valid statistics are owned and not shared by Gaijin.

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