Gaijin adding the new bmd4 (premium) and the su33 (squadron vehicle)

i dont really mind the su 33, you can still get them for free and russia has been getting tt in a normal rate, but another ground premium is a joke, isnt this like the 4th or 5th on a row, while they have only gotten spaag in the tt


Im just saying next update they are pasting finland and usa etc. Etc. With more copies of good great strong russian air defence, why bother making that one spaa for that br gap? I mean you see swedens shermans/T-34s in every tier III game making up the whole team because thats how that worked.

Players that say gaijin isnt a realistic game were right i guess. Gaijin just adds whatever gives them the most usage, like the ush-204gk that just needed a small turret design.

So in short. Yea, im done believing gaijin wants to add what is historically accurate to the TT just as long as it fills a gap

War thunder is no longer a game about telling the story about ww2 or cold war struggles, or trying to represent it, its just a plain old business like call of duty. No soul, just income

So because War Thunder is realistic means realism isn’t realism?
You’re done believing reality and facts? Oof. Don’t gaslight yourself like that.

War Thunder was NEVER a game about reenacting history, never. They never made that claim.
But yeah, go enjoy your arcade games then.
We’ll keep enjoying realism.

Experimental vehicles are better suitable for event. BMD-4M is a production upgrade to the BMD-4. It does make sense as a premium, despite I don’t support it, because there’s little difference from the base vehicle.

As if War Thunder were realistic, it’s not, nearly in reality. If the game was realistic, in the ground battle scenario, we wasn’t fighting over a street corner.

I saw a premium 12.0 Apache. So it finally ended: "No top tier premiums → Uh we meant no top BR premium → Whats the excuse now

Same as Gaijin announced paper vehicles and no top tier vehicles, this statement can change over the time passes.

I feel like prototypes and test vehicles work way better as premiums, full production run vehicles are what should make up the meat of a TT.

Russia dosen’t use Mig-29K India uses that, russia uses Mig-29KR

No, they don’t. The RDF/LT shouldn’t be premium.

Urban warfare in tanks is common, especially when enemy infantry is cleared by friendly infantry.
The last paper vehicle added to the game was over 5 years ago.

12.0 isn’t 13.7.

Russia uses the Mig-29K, please stop spreading misinformation.

Potato potato, doesnt change much


What is War Thunder?

War Thunder is the largest free-to-play multiplayer online game featuring military vehicles from the early 20th century until present time. Aviation, ground vehicles, and naval forces fight together in one game and even in one battle, just as the real-life battles were fought. The appearance and characteristics of the vehicles in War Thunder are historically accurate, and their damage models are physically based.

Why do they advertise this lmao

In fact. But in War Thunder is tank versus tank, there’s no infantry to offer support by engaging other tanks or infantry to protect allied against small anti-tank weapons.

Understandeable, was just throwing words.

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I feel like it’s a lot easier to balance weird vehicles as premiums.

I have no thoughts on the RDF particularly, but it is a shame it’s another premium. The game has way too many.

Still spreading missinformation?

Yes of course, imagine the Object 279 as premium, it would be around 10.0 probably, ironically.

I believe, considering the skill need to handle the HSTV-L, maybe as event vehicle would be better and the RDF/LT as tech tree as it has more ammo to shoot and stuff despite as prototype/experimental vehicle, but no experimental/prototype vehicle has to be premium.

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Ive yet to find a single picture of the U-sh 204gk actually excisting fiy, so i call bs lmao


Is this a thing?