G.91 R/1 - modification to Fiat G.91R/1B

I refer to Realistic BR

After the recent BR changes for many jets from the Korean War era and also the reduction in BR for the G.91 Y and G.91 YS, we find ourselves in the paradoxical situation where the G.91 pre-series and the Italian G.91 R1 have similar BRs to the F-86 and MiG-15, or even higher. In particular, the G-91 R1 is at a BR of 8.7 despite having a limited payload, similar to the G.91 pre-series, with the only difference being the AS/SS 20 NORD missiles, which are far from optimal. The embarrassing aspect is that at the same BR, we also find the G.91 R3 and R4, which have a much higher payload capacity than the G.91 R1. However, without getting into the endless debate tied to a +/- 0.3 BR difference, it would be fair to introduce the modification that allows for the installation of two additional wing pylons, so that the G.91 can have four pylons instead of just two, bringing it up to the R/1B standard.

As we already have a G.91 pre-series and an R/1, the proposal is to introduce the modification from R/1 to R/1B as a researchable upgrade rather than adding another aircraft to the tree, to avoid having to research an additional aircraft at the same BR.

there are a lot of discussion on the old and new forum on the matter, here the link to the suggestion ongoing,