TYPE: Tracked Armored Personnel Carrier/IFV
1x Kongsberg Protector M151 CROWS
-Weight: 2450 Kilogram
-Rotation and elevation: 360, -10 + 45 degrees
-Stabilization: 4 axis fully stabilized
-Armor: According to STANAG 45-69 Level 1-3
-Day camera
-Thermal Imager
-Laser Range Finder (LRF)
-Laser warning system
-Integrated Combat Solution (ICS)-
Integrated main weapon: 12.7x99 M2 Browning machinegun
-Ammunition mixture (2x MP, 1x MP-T) :
-Armor penetration RHAe NM160MP-T: 22 Millimeter at 100 Meter
-Armor penetration RHAe NM140MP: 10.6 Millimeter at 100 Meter -
Additional secondary weapon: 1x 127mm Javelin ATGM missile
-Placement: Upper right corner on the outside of the weapon station
-Ammunition stowage: ~6x missiles
-Mass: 22.3 kg
-Length: 1.1m (missile)
-Barrel length: 1.2m
-Diameter: 127mm
-Calibre: 12 mm
-Effective firing range: From vehicle: 4,750m
-Sights: Optical sight & thermal imaging
-Warhead: Tandem-charge HEAT
-Warhead weight: 8.4 kg
-Detonation mechanism: Contact fuze
-Penetration: Stated as being in excess of 760 mm RHA
-Propellant: Solid-fuel
-Flight ceiling: 150 m (top attack mode) 60 m (direct attack mode)
Mass: 10,670 kg
Length: 5.16 meter
Width: 2.48 meter
Height: 2.63 meter
Crew: 3x with 4 passengers
Engine: Jaguar J60 4.2 litre DOHC inline six-cylinder petrol engine 190 hp
Power/weight: 17.9 hp/t
Suspension: Torsion bar
Operational range: 510 km
Maximum speed: 96 km/h
Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace is the world leading supplier of a wide range of remote controlled weapon stations and turrets, missiles, combat solutions and much more both for air, ground and naval. This is a Norwegian company, subordinate to Kongsberg Gruppen. Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace is a continuation of the previously known Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk (Kongsberg arms factory) witch was established in 1814 and has provided the Norwegian army as well as others with both guns and ammunition.
In relation to this, and constant development of new weapon stations and solutions, Kongsberg has been cooperating with a lot of nations and companies. Trough the years there has been a lot of joint ventures/collaborations on proposing the technology to the international market or to propose its technology to nations which for example is looking for a new remote turret. As a result of this a lot of testing has been carried out, and a lot of vehicles in different configurations has been seen.
This is one of them, and is an British FV103 Spartan which the British company Armoured Trials and Development Unit has cooperated on integrating the Kongsberg CROWS weapon station and execute testing with the javelin missile, which at the time of the testing, were shortly after they started adding javelin missiles to the weapon station. This specific test shooting took place in 2016, the javelin launchers were firstly seen integrated on the various stations and turrets around 2014.
As i mentioned the trial/test shooting were held in 2016, and they integrated the Kongsberg Protector CROWS weapon station with the javelin launcher and a 12.7mm M2 Browning machinegun integrated. During this shooting, there were fired 5 anti tank guided missiles at various ranges and two models of the Javelin were used, the Block 0 and Block 1, block 0 were used for short ranges. The first three shots were done with the Block 0 at 1,500m, 2,500m and 3,200m and the Block 1 model were shot at 3,500m and 4,300m. All of which were successful and hit the targets with accuracy. Everything is controlled trough a set of controls and a screen inside the wagon by 1-2 crewmembers. The trial were held by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.
The FV103 Spartan is an Tracked Armored Personnel Carrier which was developed in the 1970’s for the British army, and are a variant of the more armed combat vehicles which uses the same hull. It firstly entered service in 1978. This were mostly to carry troops and special operation teams, in addition it has been used to carry Milan ATGMs and anti aircraft missiles.

This could be quite and interesting vehicle in the game, either as a researchable techtree vehicle or a premium/event vehicle. Superb mobility, ability to attack low flying aircrafts and drones and to fight heavy armor with the Javelin missile, it has its downsides, and requires to be carefully planned how you play it. I am not so sure about ammunition stowage, but I am quite sure missiles are carried inside and are loaded manually trough the hatch as usual.
Combination and history about vehicle and test
Beyond the Boxer 50 Cal - Think Defence
FV103 Spartan - NamuWiki
FV103 Spartan - Wikipedia
Weapon station
PEO Soldier | Portfolio - PM SL - M153/A1/A2 Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS)
Nammo datasheet of Ammunition specs and information
- Yes
- No