Should I add what if sub trees if political sensitivity’s are taken into consideration by Gaijin?
Gaijin never considered political matters. So I dont see any point of doing that
I understand this, some seem to think they do though.
made a bunch of changes based on feedback, let me know what you think.
Could you add Norway as a potential sub tree for Sweden?
Sure thing
Done! thanks for reminding me to do Sweden. if you have any other suggestions just let me know.
India shouldn’t go to Britain, Koreas shouldn’t be United, and Switzerland should be split between Germany and France depending on a case-by-case basis as both very commonly co-develop projects
tbf though, theres not much in terms of franceswiss overlap so they can probably ignore those vehicles or just add em to germany cuz why not lol. france got leos anyway.
France getting Leos is no excuse to not give the Franco-Swiss projects (Of which there are many, many of them) to France only.
well either im blind or there rlly arent many franco-swiss projects lol or else the guys who have made prototype trees for Switzerland wouldve added those
There’s pages in here showing all the Franco-Swiss projects, they’re quite detailed and worth a lookover, its pretty evenly split between the 2
Honestly, i don’t think them having french stuff means anything, France has German stuff.
fair and true
I mean it’s less then that, it would be similar to amount of Centurions in Sweden would that make Sweden a bad TT?
Kinda difficult with the multiple Indian vehicles in the UK.
Care to elaborate?
Dividing Swiss is only possible if they don’t become a sub (like Canadian and Australia machines), however if they become a sub then all vehicles related to them will be placed in the TT they assigned to which likely will be Germany.
The tree proposal I saw had 9 M48s. Sweden has 5 Centurions: 4 TT variants and a premium. A more apt comparison would be Israel’s 15 Magachs, 16 if you count the Sabrah, and that is a very painful grind.
The suggestion has always had 5 M48’s (4 TT and 1 premium, so it’s nowhere near Israel and makes it similar to Sweden amount of Centurions.
Is there any possible Thailand split between China and Japan?
Do you know the history between both?