Fuselage Repair Mod

So when I read the description for the Fuselage Repair modification, it said that for some planes they get a new plane with undamaged fuselage. What does this mean? What are the ‘some’ planes?

it’s just flavourtext.

Its actual effect according to the old wikis reduction of your aicraft’s drag coefficient.


Only way I know to directly measure its impact is with localhost or WTRTI, but the in-game text itself saying top speed increase communicates it decently-ish. One thin it doesn’t communicate is that drag coefficient impacts all regimes of flight, not just topspeed as drag exists as part of the denominator in specific excess formula - meaning, your aircraft’s ability to generate energy - however its impact is greater at higher speeds than lower.

You can observe this by plotting SEP against IAS in WTRTI.

When I have time I might go and do a testflight with and without fuselage mod. I think the difference will be rather miniscule for most planes.

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its just saying that for detail it just increases performance in reality

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Is the rear armour plate and Amoured glass a modification for other planes. (on the pic).


So what is it then

increased performance and thats it


It used to exist, but may have been removed over time. Old wiki is a bit old.

What was the old concept?