Full Client Vs. Full HQ Client


     I have downloaded the Full HQ client. I am wondering what the extra 60 GB has. I have noticed no difference between the full client, 50 GB, and the Full HQ client, 113 GB. Does the extra client have advanced vehicle skins or something else? Is it worth downloading an extra 60 GB for what the HQ client provides? Please tell me if you know what is actually in the Full HQ Client.

Thank You for any help!

Just replying so that it is easier to read

It’s just slightly expanded textures especially in cockpits and stuff. Personally unless you have 58.9 zettabytes of storage I wouldn’t bother with it

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Textures are upscaled to 8k using AI for rank 6+ aircraft but its not really noticeable unless you are playing the game on max texture settings

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Ohhhh thanks guys