Fuel Selector Broken

With the new update trying to use fuel sliders or even the pre-set fuel does not work. I will play some games and the fuel just has random amounts of it. I will have full tank selected and it will spawn me in with minimum fuel. In Jets that have fuel tanks, the fuel tank will spawn in but my preset fuel isnt the same, for example on the f16c, i take the fuel tank with about 20 minutes of fuel and it will spawn me in with the fuel tank but a random amount of actual fuel on the jet itself (Ive had times where it went to full tank or minimum), this also happened on the ground rb drones aswell for me. This issue is pretty annoying especially when using jets that burn fuel pretty quickly. Are the devs aware of this? Thanks


Similar fuel-related issue here. With the LaGG 3 series in air AB, if I select 20 minutes I get 10 minutes’ worth, select 30 get 15… Haven’t explored further but feels like a recent bug. I regularly last long enough on a plane that I would have noticed if the system had been broken earlier than this week.

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Same here, can be fixed for each game if you swap around the fuel amount. So going from max to min and than to your wanted value. I crashed a few times because of this…

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yeah its broken for me too

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I have the same issue where previous custom settings are changed, lost or different when you load into a new match. It usually seems to default to min fuel.

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It’s a stupid bug or something that they still havent fixed, especially when switching from low br to high br or such, like in props i will take low fuel vs jets with more higher fuel (example, su27 ill take 30 minutes vs a p51 on min fuel). Dont think anyone else is using the custom fuel slider anymore because of that, or at all actually. IMO kind of useless but if the devs cant fix it soon remove it until its fixed