Fuel and tip tanks for the F-104 family

Now that external fuel tanks have been in the game for quite a while, the question arises, will the F-104 family ever get external fuel tanks and tip tanks? Many flight manuals for planes like the F-104G, D, S, and A depict the F-104 with tip tanks AND under wing tanks, not to mention the various immages and photos of said aircrafts with tip tanks and under wing fuel tanks. This question came to my mind after I forgot to turn off my afterburner during a sim battle,but even with the afterburner off in maps like Denmark I get back to the airfield with 3-4 minutes of fuel left, so please, give tip tanks to the F-104

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Don’t mention my name. We all made mistakes when we were 10.

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i would love to see those wingtip fuel tanks, they look soo good on the F-104

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That’s what I’m saying!

  • More fuel is always nice

F-104 is the one plane that needs the extra fuel the most, aside from the rocket planes I guess.