From dev-stream - aiming is now complete made for noobs

in the english dev-stream at minute 41 Oxy shows the new naval aimung system , for arcade and realistic. No target indicator anymore - the shot falls exactly on the part of the ship where you aim. No skill is needed any longer. I am totally concerned

additon - maybe I misunderstood him and he said “realistic stays the same”?


This system will only be in Arcade, realistic will stay as is


really sure?

This is what the naval aiming should’ve been
The current aiming system makes very little sense

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I’d be pretty sure it’s just for Arcade, he led into it saying it’s for Arcade and said again “It’s just for Arcade, Realistic is the same”, though I think the last part he mispoke slightly and meant Realistic would stay the same.

Yep, at 41:42 he say it

Insert the what the hell is this piece of shit meme here, OOF I don’t like AB all that much (ties into an odd issue I used to have) but that has got to be one of the worst changes since the removal of the towing cable.

I wonder if the community will rally against this & have this overturned (doubt it sadly, they berely listen to us).


You realize that it’s because of this aiming system that the navy now looks so bad, I wouldn’t mind a new system like a live one in realistic battles.

the current aiming system corresponds to how naval artillery aiming worked. There has to be a lead indicator calculated and the guns shoot to a point where the target will be at impact

indeed the first negative change was the decrease of target acquisition time and now its completely dumb. I wonder if this is also applied to ships and boats w/o director. I barely expect this to gain new players. If skill is no longer valid in arcade I will shift to realistic (which also is far from perfect) or dismiss naval completely


He literally said that it’s for arcade, it’s not gonna be changed for realistic LMAO

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anything will be better than what buggy mess we have now. I hate how that thing bug and sometime change the distance on it own.

Seems fine for AB. We do need improvements to the RB system too, though not this.

What is it about an aiming point that applies lead is it you don’t understand?


This proves that most players have huge problems. I’m sure that when they play tanks and see a tank from the side driving at full speed 0.75 km away, they also aim at that tank directly. And then they wonder how they could have missed it? Because they simply don’t understand that it takes additional second before their shell reaches the target, and that one second later the target won’t be at the same place anymore, it will move forward.

I guess that’s also why so many players are so bad using SPAAs. They probably just aim at the plane and then they complain that their projectiles never hit the target (the game is definitely broken!).

The fact is that this new weird aiming system they proposed in Naval doesn’t make any sense. The whole fun of calculating the lead is gone. And to be honest, there aren’t many mechanics in Naval that are fun. For me personally, aiming was one of them because it was challenging to some extent.

They also decided to remove all survivability from vessels in the next update. So now you won’t even have to move your mouse left or right. It will make more sense to just hammer the same spot over and over again to sink the vessel. Maybe some day they will add the same mechanics to Ground battles. Something like: hit the same track 3 times to blow up the tank.


The new system is just a lot more fun

As mentioned above.

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