Basically, I made a version of the French Bluewater Navy tech tree that includes the vessels I think would be needed to make it “complete” or at least comparable in number to some of the other tech trees.
What do you all think is missing/could be added?
Explanation of choices
I have rearranged the layout of the vessels in the tech tree to have a more logical progression. I’ve made the two lines more distinct by dividing them between “Heavy” and “Fast” surface combatant lines, where “Heavy” line ships generally focus on having more guns and “Fast” line ships generally have more speed or AA armament (that’s why I swapped Lorraine and Bretagne’s lines, for example).
Also starting in Rank 1, all of the imported destroyers (La Combattante, Kleber, Marceau, and Guichen) form a sub-tree, while the large contre-torpilleurs form an opposite sub-tree in the second line.
The ships I chose to add (mostly) have counterparts in other tech trees:
Surcouf (D621) is an immediate postwar destroyer, similar to the Spokoinyy.
Duquesne is an early heavy cruiser, similar to Furutaka or Northampton, but with essentially zero armor.
De Grasse (1946) is an immediate postwar anti-air cruiser, very similar in layout to the Atlanta
Algérie is a more advanced heavy cruiser design with a balance of armor and speed, plus improved anti-aircraft armament.
La Galissonnière is a more advanced light cruiser design that directly improves upon Emile Bertin.
Danton is a pre-dreadnought battleship with a high-caliber secondary battery. If Ikoma and Kurama can be added, so can this. Plus, French pre-dreadnoughts are so iconic-looking!
Duperré (1972) has no real equivalent in-game right now except maybe Bravy. It’s an early postwar destroyer with four Exocet guided missiles. No other ship has such powerful ASMs in-game, but its supply is limited and its armor and armament are otherwise kind of weak so I think it fits into 6.0? Mostly I added it because Rank V needs any help it can get.
Normadie is a super-dreadnought with 14-inch guns like Lorraine and Bretagne but it uses quadruple turrets to add more firepower. It was laid down so by WT’s rules it should be OK to add.
You all know about Dunkerque and Strasbourg, I don’t think I need to explain them. Like Lorraine and Bretagne, these two members of the same class are in different lines due to the differences between them, with Strasbourg being more armored and slightly slower and Dunkerque being faster.
Rank VII is purely speculative but seems reasonable following Gaijin’s rules. Of all of France’s fast battleship designs, only these three were laid down, so only these three would be eligible for inclusion.
Looks good! Don’t know about Duperre at 6.0. If no missiles then that’s a hilarious blunder, and with missiles its still a hilarious blunder except now its scoring 4 free kills on cruisers or destroyers with no chance of a response (ideally they stop adding new missiles and delete the ones already in-game, but oh well). I still don’t like Lorraine at 6.7. I don’t think she’s enough of an upgrade over the Courbet class to warrant the br (I know Gaijin did it but I still don’t like it).
The other problem is that this tree is designed logically, and Gaijin despises logical tech tree progression.
I figured it being able to see top-end battleships regularly would balance it out but maybe not. I think it’s the least-necessary ship on the list.
I’m definitely in agreement with you there. I kept all of the existing BRs the same and didn’t decompress it at all, just to give an idea of where things might fit assuming nothing else changes.
Honestly one of the biggest things for me would just be to add the M1936 APC shell for the French 8 inch guns. It would make the heavy cruisers so much more competitive with heavy cruisers from other nations.
Before planning on possible additions, it would be necessary for the ships already present to be playable at least a little. Cruisers for example, are so weak in all respects that they are rarer than the Italian premium ships in the game.
I have already seen more Pola than Courbet in realistic naval battles.
All right, following the news that new types of ships including submarines will be added in the future, I have gone back and revamped this proposed tech tree.
As before, it reflects current BR values but shows a more logical placement for some vessels that better reflects design relationships and role. It also includes a lot of foldering in logical cases, like multiple vessels of the same class.
New additions:
Le Hardi
Alsace (this doesn’t follow Gaijin’s current guidelines for ship additions so feel free to ignore it)
Carrier line
Submarine line
BeNeLux line
Foldered Kleber and Marceau
Foldered Vautour and Milan
Moved Lorraine and Bretagne to the Heavy Surface line and foldered them
Moved Dunkerque and Strasbourg to the Fast Surface line and foldered them
Moved Richelieu and Jean Bart to the Fast Surface line and foldered them
Increased Richelieu class BR to 7.7
Removed Duperre