French naval coastal tree BR should be this

At the same time 4.0 BR already has boats with a lot stronger late bofors with high rate of fire : Jaguar , Hugin. And also a lot of other strong boats that are a way more stronger than VLT-1 VLT-2 and La Combatante.

So BR for them must be lowered, at least to 3,3 , or the best way La combatante 3.3 , VLT-1 and VLT-2 3.0

No, BR necessarily doesn’t have to be lowered. Boats like Jaguar, Hugin etc. with much stronger weaponry need to have their BR raised and that by a lot.

Sadly, we cannot, cause they will face DD and CL.
At 4.0, you already face 4.3, 4.7 DD and 5.0 DD and CL.

I mean, naval in general needs a massive rework. Coastal vessels need to have a better role in higher BR battles and the post war ones need their BR incerased a lot. In general, there is a massive BR compression from 3.0 upwards for both coastal and bluewater.


You are right about this.
And there are a lack of coastal ship in bluewater cause players cannot research coastal with bluewater. And coastal is very long to farm (even with premium account)


The naval tech tree split should be followed by a split in naval game modes as well, solving the issue. As usual, bots can fill in teams to address queue time problems.

+1 x 1000 from me! The state of naval has gone to such an extent that overtiered boats are nigh unplayable, and with your proposal hopefully they can be actually fun.



It’s just a slightly upgunned MTB Vosper(2), 1.7 should fit it well

La Combattante is just a far worse Saetta, I agree with your proposal for it to be at 3.3. The VLTs are just faster wooden MC 490s with one of them having the benefit of two oerlikons, so I’d say VLT-1 should be 3.0 and VLT-2 3.3.

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I’m currently playing La Surprise, so don’t have much input to give on VLT-1 or La Combattante, but, in my humble opinion:

  • Overall, French coastal tree is well balanced
  • Your proposals is made of only pushing the boats down in BRs 🤨
  • MTB-96 vs VTB-19 - I’m not sure what’s up, but it seems to me that the MTB has a better survivability, and by no means it plays bad at BR 2.0. I wouldn’t move it down. Compared to 🇺🇸PT-71 it actually feels OP, lol. BR 2.0 is quite awkward in every tree.
  • L9059 - all it needs is moving more of its crew into the armoured section below the deck. Right now it feels like you can pepper it with 7.7 mm and still get a kill. I wouldn’t move it in the BR at all.
  • Arras - It could be moved to 3.3 and still have a positive K:D ratio.

I didn’t play them, but have-an-opinion (I’m Polish, so I always have opinions about stuff I did not try - it’s in my blood)

  • VLT-1 & -2 - intuitively speaking it seems like a worse MC-490, moving it to BR 3.3 would make sense. Honestly: having a tilted torpedo launchers seems like a gimmick, when you have to deal with just two 2 km range torpedoes (well, 4 km with torpedo mode). MC-490 might be more fragile, but it has up to 7 km torpedo range, and it has 4 of them, which is a huge deal when trying to counter anything-bluewater that you regularly see at BR 3.3 (even more so at BR 3.7). For me it makes no sense to have VLTs at 3.7, it should go down.
  • La Combattante - How is it in the same BR as USS Douglas? It’s much slower than most destroyers (even those at BR 4.0), has a potato-level anti-air, and has to sit exposed close to the targets while its missiles crawl through the air (14 seconds to reach target at 3 km (max) range vs 5 seconds for the missiles of Douglas, and Douglas can sit as far as 14 km away from the target). And that’s before we start discussing the kill potential of the SS.11 on anything but a perfect hit into the magazine…
My win rates and K:D
  • VBT-13 - WR 56% K:D 2,4:1 (16 respawns)
  • VBT-19 - WR 50%, K:D 1,2:1 (34 respawns)
  • MBT-96 - WR 58%, K:D 1,8:1 (37 respawns)
  • L9059 - WR 57%, K:D 1,3:1 (37 respawns)
  • Arras - WR 69%, K:D 2,9:1 (28 respawns)
  • La Surprise - WR 50%, K:D 3,6:1 (just 4 matches behind me 👀)

Note: K:D ratio includes both: surface vessels and airplanes killed.

VLT-1 et -2 are just PT59 with less guns… Still wooden, that why 3.0 look great.
When players will understand how to ammo rack Arras, AFD1 (2.7) will kill them easily.
Then there is no AA at all. 3.0 is good in my opignon

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L9059 is fine where it’s at, it performs its role quite well and is fun too.

But everything else I agree with, just about all of the torpedo boats above 1.0 could use at least one if not two steps down. Especially the VLTs and La Combattante.

Now that you say it… it’s actually true, to a degree. The lack of torps and somewhat lower max speed is an issue, but then again - the 1919V’s are… bad. Even with the torpedo mode enabled, they are nothing to write home about. And PT-59 has an advantage in having one extra compartment than the VLT.

So whether it’s BR 3.3 or 3.0 - it’s fine with me.

Either way, I think we all agree that the VLTs should go down in the BRs.

When players will understand how to ammo rack Arras, AFD1 (2.7) will kill them easily.

Yea, but there’s so few AF D1s that it’s not a big problem. Also: Arras is much faster, so it can just avoid being anywhere near AFs, while this mobility also allows it to avoid the main source of AFs deaths - torps and bombs.

Makes no fun against Arras with 20mm and no torpedoes

Hello all,

After playing the whole tree, I agree with most of these proposals. I listed my impression (without La Combattante at that time) here :

  • VLT’s 1 and 2 must be lower. I had a few brillant matches with them, skeet-shooting somes vessels in a row, but usually when you meet a focused opponent, you are dead in seconds. (I am barely at 1:1 KD on VLT2, and surprisingly better at 1,2:1 with VLT1)
    Comparing them to PT-810 / 812, I really don’t understand the BR difference (Mandatory french vehicle tax, I guess).

  • L9059 is fine where she is imo. I think most of my kills were with the Bofors, but you can have nice surprises with the 2 guns. (K:D 1,5:1 for me)

  • I liked La Surprise, but the DD spawn is a pain. I avoided spawning it first because once you are targeted by an enemy DD you’re in for a bad time. If you reach the coastal brawling area, you are the bully (watch out for torpedoes).
    She’s fine where she is too. I have my best K:D of the tree at 3,5+:1 with her).

  • La Combattante should be lower too, because SS-11 are really situational (maybe I don’t know how to use them rn)… Many of the boats I intended to use them against (Ashville, Orla, LCS, Drache, MPK’s,…) are hollow hulls so you hit them (while not using your Bofors to aim in the last 100m. of the missile), just for the missile to remove a few % of crew. I don’t think it creates a breach, and using a missile to destroy a gun which will be repaired in a few second is not a good trade.
    You are then reduced to a slower, less maneuverable, VLT with a smallest field of fire if you don"t use the missile… RN, I have a 1,1:1 KD
    IRL, La Combattante used the SS-12 missile, designed to be an Anti-Ship missile, so it would be a better option to have them while not reducing the BR :

Source, photoalbum from the crew :
Note, a radar is modelized, but it doesn’t work.

TL-DR In my opinion, with my experience with them, proposed changes :

- VLT’s should be 3.7 → 3.0 / 3.3 (maybe 3.0 for VLT1, 3.3 for VLT2)
- La Combattante should get SS-12 and stay at 4.0 (or even climb at 4.3), or go down to 3.3


L9059 should really go to BR 2.3, she’s not better than the HMCS Brantford. The situation in uptier is even worse with her, the crew get shredded like sawdust.

There are too much BR problem. I hope gaijin will listen …
As like for tow Naval tow - #4 by 侍KAMIKAZE侍

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I dont think they care too much about balance. Just look at japanese low mit tier ground forces XD

But the towing is really sad. Used to be one of the moust fun feature for low tier coastal boats. Without it makes a lot of them pretty useless.

Sad boat got snailed
Nobody can tow it now. . .

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you should put the smile down on the snail ahah

The snail is gaijin. They are happy since they dont care how they trolled this boat.

Hello all,

New BR changes announced here :

Of interest for this thread are :
VLT-1 : 3.7–>3.3
VLT-2 : 3.7–>3.3
La Combattante : 4.0 → 3.7

That’s a good start, but tbh I would rather see new missiles on La Combattante than a BR reduction.