French Coastal discussion - what's new, what can be added

Very strange to see a second laid-down-only Battlecruiser for USSR, and yet, still no USS Lexington Battlecruiser or USS South Dakota (BB-49) for USA…

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not really suprising given lack of designs russia managed to complete and tons of ships USA has to choose from. Stranger is that france is still without it top tier BB and Italy also misses a 2nd one to the lineup, even with one possible laid down ship. But I think this is a discussion for a different place:b


Fair, fair. All of those really should be fixed.

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In addition, they seem to want to go in class order for the American BBs, so with Tennessee coming this patch it should be a Colorado next, then a '20s-era South Dakota and/or a Lexington.


To everyone excited about Mogador be mindful that French twin turret had historically rather bad rate of fire that particular design on Mogador didn’t even reach 10 rounds per minute. So be prepared for that.

Well then it would be 4.7 and I could kick out Duguay-Trouin from my French 4.7 deck which consist of Le Trimphant and Le Malin.

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with max rate ever achieved - 9rpm, it could get to 5.0 but with general average 6-7rpm it might end up at 4.7.

ships from the files:



Croix de lorraine



Oh my god that’s amazing, I need it!


It is indeed lovely. Being 8 metres shorter than the Drache it should get the coastal spawn as well. With two 138mm guns and suprisingly decent speed of 41kph it will be fun to use, able to down a destroyer with some planning and luck.

There is also one ship of this class, Amiens, that was fitted with experimental 37mm autocannon, I hope we will see it eventually as well :)


Freemantle is Austrailian ship, successor of HMAS Arrow.

yeah, same as mogador is nt coastal at all, but I included it anyway, since some people might not have seen it yet:)

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It sounds really exciting! Overall, this vessel sounds really interesting to play with, though I fear that it could be easily kill for stuff like BR 2.3 Pr. 1124 (2x 76mm aided by capable 37 mm and some machine guns), so the big question is, where it will land on the BR ladder.

That 37 mm experimental sounds like a great pick for an event vehicle. And god knows we need French naval event vehicles, cause so far we’ve got… exactly ZERO. 🤦‍♂️

Given its great size and large completment I would say it will be hard to kill for Pr. 1124, similar how Drache is. The 138mm cannons at the other hand could surely one shot or two shot soviet armored boats with relative ease. It would be more vulnerable to torpedo boats as the AA armament is only 4x8mm mgs.

I would give it 3.0, maybe 3.3 Candid and Drache seem better, more versatile, but Arras is definietely better than pr191s and german barges. Well we will see it next weekend on 2nd dev probably

It’s clearly an unarmed cargo ship and belongs at 1.0. /s

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The WW1 sloop? Hmm, I see GJN putting it at 3.7 and the River class at 3.3, personally. But whatever, seems like it could be a fun troll ship to me with the 5" guns.

Why UK getting a bigger Arrow is beyond me… River class, batch 2 too much to ask for I suppose.

But its not as bad as the Pizza boys. That coastal ship in the files looks quite sad. Its ok Italy mains, Littorio is only 2 more years away :)


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The mogador will be a very welcome addition. Only need the Le Hardi, the La Galissionnere, the Algerie and the Dunkerque/Strasbourg to have a pretty solid blue water tree.

For the coastal, there are some interesting ships like the Arras, the La Combattante and the L9059. I don’t think they are gonna be really strong but at the right br they could be quite fun.

What worries me however are the 3 reserve and br 1.0 boats. They do drive very well and i like the sound of the Darne mgs but the firepower is just way too low even for that rank. The british reserve is already painful to grind with 8 .30 cal, having only 2 is just useless. It takes 2 to 3 full mags to kill the S-38 in test drive, and that’s without moving.
Anything armored like russian reserve is gonna be fully impervious to it’s guns while all the others will hit harder and farther.
Even the torpedoes are not so good. They aren’t really weaker than others at this br, but being the only meaningful armament on the boat you’d expect them to be at least better than average.

Le E50!

I wish…


Oh… Arras has 103 crew onboard. Did not see that coming, lol. Then yea, It’s definitely higher than 2.3, loool

3.0 sounds about right, given just how weak Arras is against MTBs.

Slow turret traverse, low fire rate and a huge target with low manoeuvrability lacking any rapid-fire 20mm+ guns able to stop torpedo boats… it will die to MTBs all the flippin time, even in the Reserve BR, lmao. (And I bet Gaijin will see a sudden raise of kills with depth charges once people start playing it, lol, cause Arras looks like a perfect target for those)

Sure, the 135 mm does have a decent damage, but most of the time you won’t have both of the guns on target (that horizontal guidance angle looks awful), and a single shell won’t even kill the LS 3, if you’d manage to hit it (which isn’t easy when you got 10-12 seconds between shots. That aft-mounted 75 mm isn’t of much help, when it takes 4 seconds to reload, and a single 75 mm on its own isn’t going to stop much either).

I made a comparison table, to have a better look at what’s going on with the Arras:

Crew Displacement (t) Main guns Secondaries AA Extra BR
Arras 103 864 2 x 138 mm/50 1 x 75 mm/63 8 x 8 mm mines ?
Drache 145 in-real-life and 300 in-game (?!?!?!) 1870 2 x 88 mm/45 2 x 37 mm/83 2 x 4 + 4 (all 20 mm) mines 3.3
USS Candid 95 650 1 x 76 mm/50 2 x 40 mm/60 4 x 20 mm DCT 3.3
Groza 114 490 2 x 102 mm/60 3 x 37 mm/67 2 x 12.7 3 torps 3.0

Look how Candid, Drache and Groza got plenty of stopping power against boats, while Arras got… 8 x 8 mm machine guns.

Overall I ❤ love the fact that they add this vessel to the game, we have nothing like it. Huge, pitiful turning rate, coastal, armed almost solely with anti-bluewater guns… can’t wait to play it!!!