France needs a new gold coin car

Didn’t realized that even the engine is different in UAE one ^^"

(That’s an untold reason why it should be better as premium XD)

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Who is the premium responsible again?

Hello @KasaneDevAcc ,
You’re the only Dev, i’ve found in list of Staff.

I don’t know if you have any ways to input that to both marketing and Ground Vehicule Team.

But actually the UAE(United Arab Emirates) Leclerc “Tropicalisé” would make a good premium for France High Tier.

It is in the middle between Leclerc S.2 and S.XXI, and have different engine, slightly different Size than regulars Leclerc.

According to some informations VEXTRA was going to be premium actually, thats why it has camo net.

I guess Gaijin realized it would’ve cause massive amount of anger so they decided to make it tech tree vehicle in the end.


it does have an issue, for the time being gaijin seems to avoid adding 11.7 premiums, but i wouldn’t complain if they move the s2 and s1 down to 11,3 just to add it there.

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Nobody that browses the forums afaik.

There was a Gromvoiny at some earlier stages of the game.

No it doesn’t.

I don’t think he’s the one that decides premium vehicles, rather he’s the one that makes the listings on the store for them

Could be wrong tho

GAJIN can mount 2 new tanks, 1 technology tree, and 1 gold coin, but it did not do so
I can only buy VBCI to drive the French technology tree. Although I don’t want to play it, I don’t want to play the AMX30.