Françafrique IFVs for France?

Hi :)
It’s no secret that France is missing an autocannon+ATGM IFV. So I was thinking that perhaps they could receive something from one of their former African colonies? Ideally perhaps something originally British, as they already have a kind of mutual exchange going on in game?

For example Senegal and Morocco use Ratel-20 IFVs and MILAN missiles. Morocco uses Bradleys. Algeria and Nigeria use BMP-2s. (Morocco and Nigeria also use Alpha Jets E, which I think is kinda cool)

There must be something, right? In times like these, bending the copy-paste/lend-lease rules is reasonable, as there is no possible alternative.

What do you think? Thank you :)

Edit: I see that Morocco also uses M163 and ZSU-23-4. Those would fill France’s SPAA gap :)

Or… the devs could get off their asses, take the VBCI-2 chassis that’s already modelled and model a new turret for one of the VBCI PHILOCTETES or VBCI MkII.


Wouldn’t that be for top-tier? Naturally a great addition, but a gap would remain.

The OP talks about an autocannon + ATGM carrier. If you want a BMP-2 analogue for France - it doesn’t exist. Not every nation has everything. In a similar vein, the USSR doesn’t have a Vextra POLE analogue - that’s just how things work.

As for SPAA, France has an absolute shit ton of options to the point of redundancy upon redundancy. The devs just don’t add them because they’re extraordinarily lazy when it comes to the French tree.

Yes, but it doesn’t help that the BMP2 is peak meta. If Gaijin wants their game to be “e-sports ready” then there should be some parity between tech trees

Any why must France have to have a BMP-2 analogue? There’s plenty of French IFVs to fill a similar role.

But if you must… France could now get the Sabiex HIFV which was a Belgian-Emirati project:



Or if you really must, an argument could be made for France to receive this:



Which is an Emirati BMP-2 in French camo from back when France and the UAE were conducting joint patrols in Kosovo.

There are a LOT of French IFVs and light tanks that Gaijin has not added and some of which already have the chassis present in the game.



PLEASE NO! In the same way as for light tanks, France has a lot of anti-aircraft not yet in the game mounted on already modeled chassis (AMX-13, VAB) and which would perfectly fill the holes in the tree



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