I noticed there is a lot of frame drops on the new reworked maps like Advance to the rhine,Abandoned factory,Attica and even breslau(ik its not reworked but still its unstable map)
This happends mainly when i turn to other direction that im facing and it get stabled after one or two seconds
Note: im on pretty low settings and i have stable fps in other maps sometimes even more then 100
Its just me or this happends to other ppl as well and its a bug?
If its just me how can i fix it?
I’ve noticed similar in air modes and the return of Moscow.
In air sim, the maps were not changed yet the winter trees on Bulge and Stalingrad forced me to move “Tree range” down to 0 from 100% because I went from previously having a constant vsynced 60 FPS I was very happy with…
to 30 FPS when flying low.
Having to use tree range 0 is not fun, because it makes trees pop into existence and when you’re doing visual spotting… a black dot against white turning into black dot against black only to then turn back into black dot against snow covered trees is… a bit impossible to track in my eyes. At 100% range it was black dot against snowy trees.
I play, but havn’t been playing as much attention - also didn’t get the reworked maps yet. I’ve been mostly getting breslau at 7.7+ and attica at low tier (send help).
SAME exact issue and I am running 70+FPS in all other maps expect Advance to the rhine, Abandoned factory, Attica and Breslau on a GTX 1650 SUPER 16GB of ram and an I7 4790, This happens on the exact same maps after the update Hornet’s Sting.
not a computer expert but if I managed to run other more graphic intensive games and they ran just fine no hiccups, can I assume that the problem is on wt’s end?
Honestly it’s not even just the ground maps, the reworked Afghanistan map is awful for frame drops. You now fight over the city of a million houses. My frames just get put down, proper “Tell me bout the rabbits George” shot in the back of the head type put down. On the runway I have 150+ FPS but it drops down to around 10FPS the second those houses come into view.
I’ve had to use my one map ban on it. Genuinely awful.