Fox is still overpowered

Got any soruces that isnt a blog?

This source says 300g


They have the same shell core makeup, and yes, I stated due to the velocity difference (many posts ago) it WOULD make sense the 2a72 with APDS would pen roughly 94-98 mm of armor (or similar) if the Fox is penning 110,

However with the shell weight being heavier in the 2a72, is should deal more post pen damage technically speaking.

“The L14A3 projectile assembly, including its sabot, weighs 300 grams - only 4 grams less than the 3UBR8 projectile including its sabot”

No, again, I don’t live in Russia, but the “blog” seems to back it up with actual technical data.

If you can access those pages, have at it.

They sourced it from:

(Ordnance and Munitions, 21st Century Encyclopedia: Russia’s Arms and Technologies , Chapter 7, light ground artillery ordnance)

Your likely to find the answer in there ^

So… You are saying the L14A2 is performing correctly and you need to submit a bug report for the 2A72 rounds to get them buffed up using the sources you’ve found.

Glad this discussion has come to end.

In the meantime.

I wonder if this will ever be fixed:

Well, no. The fox should still become 8.0
For all its pros, and the BTR, should likely become a 7.7 with a buff to its pen. (May stay 7.3, just because they’re super easy to kill), but 7.7 seems balanced.

Just like the fox being at 8.0 seems balanced.

Sure, when its gets a Stabiliser and MILANs

That’ll be a different variant, likely at 9.0-9.3

Brochures list the maximum fire rate of RARDEN as 90 RPM, but British Army manuals say 80 RPM so that’s what Gaijin’s sticking with.


Ah fair enough. I thought it was a game limitation thing

304g is for 3UBR8 full projectile, including sabot and cup.

300g for L14 is also for full projectile, including sabot and cup.

Neither of these rounds are HVAP or AP, therefore the total mass of the projectile including sabot and cup is not relevant to performance, except for at the muzzle, where a lighter sabot and a heavier core will be superior at the same velocity. Increase velocity for the lighter L14 and the performance gap increases.



It would be 8.3. Max. it would likely have less MILANs (probably only 2) than the Warrior (and probably MILAN 1s and not 2s) and still likely no TVD, Stabiliser or LRF like the Warrior has.

If the Fox with MILANs is 9.3. Then the BMP-2 should be at least 10.0 On par with the Desert Warrior


Shouldn’t be a gap as massive as 28mm, perhaps 12-18mm.

If we go by your metric, the FOX already does higher damage then the 2a72, but if we add in what you say, then the 3UBR8 is lighter, and should lose less velocity than the L14. While, again according to your metric, if the barrel length, and projectile case is only marginally longer, this should mean, right out the gates, the 3UBR8 round should have 104 pen instead no?
They both have a tungsten alloy penetrator.

Ah, I thought that fox had a stab.

Well, it would more than likely be an 8.3 / 8.7 then, problem is, what do you do with the warrior then?

Leave it put?

You trade the mobility of the fox for TVD and LRF on the Warrior.

Lighter projectile will lose more velocity over distance due to inertia. 3UBR8 is slower, lighter and has overall less total energy than L14, yet in game it retains penetration over distance better.

L14 should retain velocity better, and still have higher penetration at the muzzle.

This is sounding like you want a BTR buff and not a Fox nerf.

So your KDR in your Fox is 50% more or higher than all other autocannon cars/APCs you used; such as the BTR-80A, RCVs, etc?
I can’t fact-check your claims as I’m not in WT at this time of night, but I’m pretty sure @Morvran or some other can fact-check your claims.

Honestly. We are probably at the point we need a Dev or Dev advice (even other small cal)
We are just going back and forth. Knowing the Fox’s gun is under performing to IRL.

The situation of all light tanks/AA in the 7.0-9.0 area need to be spoken about in a Dev post or something, that way folks can calm down across all small caliber around there.

Fox kills Tutel through side, 600m out.


That’s not my fox stat, I don’t have the fox yet, I’m one vehicle away from it.

Bro, you’re hella lucky in that shot ngl. And very skilled

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