Fox is still overpowered


Such as reloads in certain nato tanks, as a good comparison (abrams) over preforming. What you are saying is not how the devs do this.
Even explicitly being said they do this, doesn’t mean that’s the reality. Look at the abrams reload for a great example.

Also, I like the subtle insult, since we cannot be adults, and the Brit mains sling insults because something is getting balanced for the br (Fox) that they want it to be, while also receiving corrections (or nerfs)


I can disagree with you, if I do desire. You all keep bringing up X Y Z, when you genuinely overlook facts I presented previously, so purely because a true fact cannot be brought up against the reasoning provided, we go in circles time and time again, please examine a mirror closely

I am providing you why the information they could find would be negative to a certain platform, or not. Regardless, most cannon rounds are managed by algorithm, and the negative aspects of the Russian cannon generally can be expected to result in these differences. But in this case, if it were to be manually changed between these two, your BTR would still function worse. You can pretend the facts are on your side all you want, but you’ve been corrected a half dozen times (that I can count briefly) in this thread already.

Reloads are a balancing feature, otherwise several NATO platforms would have improved reload speeds. Oh, and the reloads of autoloaded Russian tanks would go up by around 3 seconds across the board.


Ahhh, I just wonder what the forum will look like when we get the rest of the vehicles in the CVR(T) platform and Fox Milan.

When they can’t even withstand the power of mighty 30mm RARDEN of Fox/Scimitar.


It would be very funny to see the arguments to nerf the Fox Milan.

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Lmao I have to save this.
I have said the btr wouldn’t be 1:1 with the fox, but it would be far similar that the lot of you are will to let on.


This is comedy gold, and now I have it saved.

Btw both video and cyclogram data disprove your comment and theory.

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Sure, bud. Your BTR is as effective as you believe it to be.

So what warrants the Aubl 74 HVG to be 8.0? And the fox 7.7?
Fox has a better load rate, higher damage round, is faster, smaller, better armor.

The Aubl has a full stabalized gun, 6.0 sec reload aced, far worse acceleration, can quite literally be 7.62’d from the sides and frontally, is only marginally quieter, has a lack of gun depression in comparison (even less over the drivers hatch and behind the vehicle).

(Aubl) Yup penetration and a full stab, but wickedly worse effectiveness compared to a 7.7 vehicle (fox).

There I’ve compared it to a different vehicle, happy? We are no longer using the closest comparison.

This thread be like…


Fox W. Lives rent free inside people’s head.


wtf is this suposed to prove?


oh yea bro youre totally right.

fox should be 12.0, i mean i have seen your videos how you catch oblivious players and shoot them on the side of theyr tanks and they die. we cant have that happen, the fox should only be able to pen spaas.


Lmao. This is why the forums are the way they are, smh.

Did you even watch those videos? Eating 105mm rounds like it’s nothing.


This is the 105mm shell

my vilkhas eats 120mm apfsds for lunch every other game.

but i guess the problem is the fox.

the forums are in the state they are because of special ppl like yourself.


Nah the game is in the state it’s in because half the devs are like him


Because half the devs are logical?

This is a thread for the fox.
Keep it on topic

@Forum Moderators

This post wasn’t about the fox keep it on topic

We will include the CVRT for being near identical in strategy

Says the guy whom went to my other topics, to vote against me, and discredit me because he doesn’t like the truth that the fox is to good for its br.

This isn’t about the fox

Please be on topic or I will have to contact a forum moderator

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tHiS iS a ThReAd FoR tHe FoX MoDs HeLp

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You’ve sent these videos before and none of them prove your point

This thread is an absolute cesspit it really just needs to be closed, its been going in circles for literally months


Should have been closed on day 1 for being nothing more than rage bait

However it’s a thread to diss a British vehicle and try get it nerfed so here we are months later.