Fox is still overpowered

I would be glad because at least the falcon would go down in br so you dont have the use the damn bosvark which has the turning circle of a fully laden 80 ton lorry carrying special cargo…

And I’m tired of people spawning an SPAA first spawn and using it exclusively for anti-tank. It’s not just self defense if its being used for highly effective offense.

Genuinely. Maybe I’d be less upset about these overpowered nonsense SPAAs if they didn’t seem to only go to Russia and Germany (or countries with clones)

The Bosvark is so utterly hopeless that I still run the Ystervark at 7.7 and the G6 with proxy fuses is arguably a more effective anti air.

the solution then is to trade their AP belts for proxy belts.

Vehicles can perform multiple roles, and I think SPAA having that capability is perfectly fine. I use the Bkan for very effective SPAA work- do you want it’s HE-VT rounds removed because it cant be allowed to do that?

Then they become literally useless against ground targets (The Zsu only has HE ammunition beyond its AP, it would be completely unable to defend itself), would still remain at a high BR because of that HE-VT, and in many cases would be ahistorical.

I think this is mainly a tech tree gap issue to be honest, and could be just as easily fixed by introducing something to fill that gap and not ahistorically gutting the performance of SPAA.

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If gaijin will give us a nice, proper SPAA i will take it but they keep giving us fugly abominations so I wouldnt bet on it

I would be fine with sacrificing HE-VT if it meant no more AP crazy SPAAs.

And its not ahistorical the fact is SPAAs like that were not terribly effective IRL and the effectiveness of portable ground mounted anti-air didnt get better until the advent of SAMs.

SPAA’s should know their fucking place, which is sitting at the back in their spawn where it’s relatively safe unless their team is already overrun. They can fight it out with aircraft as they were intended to do and their cheap spawn cost means that spawning one to clear the skies and disposing of it after is no big deal. Heck I’d even be okay with allowing them to be refunded if they were locked to spawn.

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Literally matters nothing to the game. The Maus was completely ineffective, as were in many ways the panthers- but that doesnt matter ingame, does it?

Also, CAS ingame is significantly better then IRL, especially with mouse aim and the like.

Or how about you actually let them do something, and incentivise people to actually play the damn things and provide you cover.

If they are completely useless versus tanks no one will play them, especially since they arent even that good against aircraft.

This thread has some if I am correct.


So does historical accuracy only matter when it supports your vision for the game?

The problem is they are TOO effective against tanks to the point where people use them more as anti tank than anti air. This is especially true for the ZSU-57 which gets rapid fire dual 150mm pen APHE at 7.0!

At the absolute minimum all SPAAs should be limited to a single reload’s worth of AP, that’s sufficient for self defense without encouraging anti-tank use.

There is a major difference between historical accuracy in modeling (What rounds tanks can use, their armor/speed, etc), and effectiveness/matchmaking.

The Zsu is a special case, and one that actually mimmicks its IRL role.


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They are only effective in the hands of a decent player, against the right tanks, facing worse players. The ZSU would be an awful SPAA at any BR, and it’s only good because of its TD capabilities.

That provides 0 self defence for so many SPAA. That is as low as 8 rounds on some of them.


Now the WZ305/ZSU-57M…

Those are peak.

Howabout this, bring the Falcon down to 7.7 or even 7.0. As it stands 8.3 is way too high for the Falcon, its the same BR as the Chieftain with no radar, and it doesnt even have a pure AP belt.

I wouldnt mind bringing it down (Though I admittedly dont have it), probably to 8.0- in exchange for the AP belt maybe going to 2/3 APDS.

In the end I dont know though :/

(Also like wtf no dont bring it to 7.0)

Bringing it to 7.0 would be an answer to the ZSU menace.

Explain to me how the Falcon is 1.3 BRs more effective than the ZSU-57.

…except its got a massively higher RoF, is far more accurate, and is not open-topped.

Like I cannot stress the inaccuracy of the ZSU,that thing’s accuracy is dogshit.

The Falcon is also stabilized, while the ZSU is not.

all of that accounts for a .7 BR difference, which would place the Falcon at 7.7 and provide my 7.7 line up with an on BR anti air.

It definitely should not be sharing a BR with the Chieftain, thats just stupid.

I would argue it makes a 1.0 difference given how bad the ZSU’s accuracy is + the Stab being so powerful at that BR, but I can at least agree it doesnt make much sense at 8.3.

There is no real 8.0 line up for Britain but there is a very solid 7.7 line up.

Also the ZSU’s lack of accuracy is offset by its own fire rate and the effectiveness of its larger caliber APHE which is in a pure belt, unlike the Falcon which has no pure belt.

The firerate in comparison to the falcon is over five times worse, sooo…

I would say drop it to 8.0, see how it does, and if necessary/possible, drop to 7.7.

(Also dont y’all have the Cent Mk. 10 at 8.0?)

The line up at 7.7 is much more fleshed out with multiple heavy tanks, light tanks, etc. It deserves and Anti-Air

and the Falcon has smaller caliber guns and no pure belt.

It belongs at 7.7.

We already had the Falcon at lower BRs. Result was like Falcons roaming around everywhere lolkilling everything on the ground and air.

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