Fox is still overpowered

We don’t even know what the fox nerfs are going to be yet. So crying about it not moving is just sad. Will probably be a worse gun than the BTR after tomorrow


I can’t wait for its pen to be butchered making it officially the worst auto cannon in the game.

Making the Warrior the indisputable king of garbage, all in attempt to finally gut the Falcon and simmer the Fox back a little bit.

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Yeah. I can easily see it being nerfed to the point where it needs to drop back down to 7.0

Waiting for the day the Warrior goes to 8.0 and Falcon goes to 7.7 area.

Yeah, that would be good.

This is TEC, the same guy who called everyone “whiners” for complaining about 30k SL repair costs on planes back when that was a thing…

So his opinion may as well be void and null.


Blud will never live that down amongst other poor takes of his. Why anyone takes anything he has to say with any consideration these days is beyond me.

I had a quick scan and saw he tried comparing, what looked like a t72 of some kind, to a challenger and said they had comparable weak spots… After that i think i can conclude this man is either insane or gas lighting us for fun as no one can be that… stupid (apparently your not allowed to say the r word or swear anymore as people will flock to flag your comment, a bit sad).


He tried to argue to me that the Su-39 with R-77s at 12.0 wouldnt be very good and things like the Phantom FGR2 would win in BVR combat vs it all the time.

After that. He lost a lot of crediblity.


In any case, what are the nerfs like?

Yeah, his takes are clinically insane and fueled by his rock hard boner for the ghost of Stalin.

Also, yes, you can’t logically slap him around too much or he’ll go crying to mods about it. Having his bad takes dissected thoroughly and being critiqued is something he can’t handle. He’s on track to getting himself blacklisted by the community in regards to engagement if this is how he’s gonna act. I’d say it’s sad, but it’s honestly expected and repeatedly experienced behavior from IvanBoos. This is exactly why nobody likes them.

Moving on, again I’ll say; The Fox is fine where it is. Anyone having a hate boner for it is either just a Britain hater or suffers a massive skill issue.


About the shell? They didn’t do anything to it. They set that work aside for the meantime, last I checked.

Interesting, was expecting it this update, I guess its coming with the next major update just a few weeks away then

No idea. I imagine they sidelined the autocannon shell re-mathing because as with all things Gaijin - They hardly ever fix anything that doesn’t break something else in the process.

I’d wager we may see changes in the next 4-6 months provided they don’t just decide to speedrun it.

Ah the Adats is hardly good alright. The UK bois don’t want it, take it back to the store!

Also, the ariete can be killed by pretty much everything easily, the chally can take hits at the very least.

I can like more videos if you’d like. And TEC has a lot of time in the UK tech tree after all.

Where did you pull the T-90M armor from? Because the hull can still be penetrated by Leo2a7s.
-same relict side armor, T-90M gets one extra piece on the front of the tracks.
-not really a massive armor difference, unless your talking in regards to the turret.
-a single degree is not a lot of hun depression difference.
-the reload gets you killed more often than not on any T series tank.

I’d say the T-90M is the middle to low ground when it comes to good tanks, it has too many cons to be effective in one way or another in the games current playstyles.

If that is the only thing you are going to comment on then you have proved everything else I said was correct then.

Also, go for it, please try to explain to me how the ADATS should be considered “good” when compared to the Pantsir, Tor M-1 or It0. I would love to hear how you think an 8km range SAM is effective at top tier? Only thing the ADATS is marginally good at is dealing with helis

I’ve had one soak an L27A1 before, but yes, I agree, the Ariete has weak armour, no one is denying that. But where the Ariete can make up for its lack of armour with having arguably the strongest fire power in game at the moment (couild be wrong, but only tank with 5 second reload DM53) and average moblity. The CR2s dont have either. As for armour on the CR2. the only place they can tank a hit is the turret cheeks, a shot anywhere else is a one shot 99% of the time (or at the very least ,will disable everything and enable an easy second shot kill). Especially the massive hole between the turret cheeks. Just aim anywhere but the cheeks and its a one shot.

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Yeah set aside while they work all small calibre APDS autocannons it looks like. So going to be interesting to see who gets screwed and who doesnt lol. APHE is still running strong though for RARDEN, though it would be nice if it had a few more MM of pen.


It’s not the only thing I could comment on, I just don’t care to. You lack perspective, and are entirely one sided.

But hey, let’s go back to my other post, where your trying to declare I said the Su-39 “needed” R-77s

  1. No I didn’t say FGR2 would always win, I said it would make it have to play more tactically.
  2. I was referring to the Su-39s irl weapons, which people cried over in regards to the a-10c.
  3. I stated over and over, the A-10C needed to be 12.0, and the Su-25SM3 needed to be 12.0, and it would balance out way better.
    And many people agreed.


Adats = multi role
Everything else you listed = pretty dedicated SPAA.

Ariete might have a 1 sec faster reload, but I’d rather play something that has a 1 sec slower reload, but can take a hit, and as far as I’ve seen, the only MBT that can do that are the Leo’s… but somehow with 2 crew in a late start game I got a nuke in an abrams… but I’m not counting that lol.
In that same game I magically survived getting hit 7 times be Leo2a7s

The game. And DM53 can pen 122B+ hull, or literally any other tank’s hull or weakspot?

You’ve clearly never play against T-90M.

-6 can still utilize a variety of areas. I don’t know why your trying to hill camp in 90M though.

Wow, congrats your self aware. Russia tanks have a downside other then reverse speed.

This is the most asinine out of touch comment I have ever read on this forum.