Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

That video is honestly insane. I understand being against itx but being against TESTING.

This is such an insane conclusion. Every shell in the game tries to be at least semi realistic, solid shot behaves credibly, heat also tries its best, hesh much of the same. Aphe? Not even close it currently just ignores inertia entirely and leads to absurd kills such as engine shots and cupola shots. And i enjoy the US, which mostly relies on cupolas to do anything.


@SPANISH_AVENGER 6:56 “Everyone is entitled to their own Opinion, except the spanish Avenger” Lol. XD


That is an issue with how armor works.

Hahah yeah

NameDrop jumpscare

Although I have no idea if it’s a sarcastic joke, or if he means it, I wouldn’t be able to tell… I hope it’s not the latter :')


Hes too based for this world.

Smoke? Its just a fire cracker in game, but IRL there are explosives in it, Germany put rather lots of PENT in the center.

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Well if german smoke shells had significant amount of explosives then i belive that should be modelled much the same. I just dont know enough to say enything on the matter

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I watched the video and it claims to be neutral, but leads people to a certain conclusion. Arguments only for voting no are well presented.

However, the changes are presented very well. Clear and concise.

Also saying some particular person’s opinion doesn’t matter doesn’t look good. It’s a joke, but it’s the kind of a joke that if someone asks you, if you’re serious, you answer “no, I’m just kidding” in a condescending tone.


Thats another issue. Just fix aphe and solid in the same upd.

Gaijin sayed no, and gives each Smoke shell a fixed amout depending on Size, beeing like 50g TnT power for most shells.

in Comparisson the German 75mm Smoke round has 95g Pent in the center (161,5g TnTa)(Click to show)


And the 105 has 150g Pent (255g TnTa)



Well that is stupid.

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Man who Said to vote no. make the English version.

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Well, it’s not even him only or CIS exclusive; apparently, many big CCs want to vote No.

Him, Oddbawz, Spookston…

With so many influential and followed CCs opposing the change, there was never a real chance for “yes” to win- even if it was winning by 70-30% for nearly a whole day before CCs started doing their thing.

That being said, Spookston hasn’t made a video as far as I recall, and Oddbawz made it several days later, just yesterday; so they did not take part in the voting’s sudden shift, which took place 21 hours after the voting was opened.


Voting no is such an irrational and stupid thing to do. Its literally juat a test. Spookstom really surprised me.


Yes, funny how there is such a concentrated effort to push for a specific outcome of this vote. Almost like someone got the CC by the nuts and told them what narrative to promote.

Thats pushing it lmao. But spookston saying no surprised me because he mentioned it multiple times. I really think hes just avreeing bevause his friends all say the same thing

Oh, who is it then?

Yeah so weird how so many of this CC´s that have played the game for years and have seen gaijin´s way of implementing things seem to be very wary or flat out against changes/implementations hmm.
Nah you´re probably correct they´re just being “irrational” or being “peer pressured”.

big APHE !!!11!!!one!!

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