Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

I don’t want to hurt nobody, sorry if I did it .

But, from several years now, APHE nuke every tank by one succesfull penetration; meanwhile, solid shot only’ user (or HEAT etc) have to aim carrefully and land multiple strategic shots to kill their opponent, the same who can OS them in return if the first hit isn’t good enought.

It is a simple vision because a lot of other parameter matter but it NEVER was fair to fight APHE user as a non-APHE user.

Anyway, having the opportunity to try it (by voting YES) will dissipe those doubt and can lead to some BR adjustment and a more tactical fight (OS will be more rarer)


Are you saying that if you had a shot on a Tiger in an Archer, you’d absolutely flub it so bad the Tiger would kill you instead?

If they had said change vs no-change as the vote and it was 50-50, they could fall back on testing. By making it test vs no-test of the change, they’ve boxed themselves in now with a loss to not doing anything at all, including tests (except the already announced APHE buffs this was supposed to offset). Otherwise they’ll be defying the players’ will here. I think they’ll drop it and move on. Happy to be wrong.

Sadly, it seems extremely unlikely that they are going to buff underperforming shells

No, it was worth understanding after reworking the ATGM physics

Btw ap on tank often refers to a more modern one than aphe, there’s not only the gun that matter

Gaijin avoids shell buffs like ww2 germany avoided cost-effective tank designs

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Im saying that I would rather actually play the game and get more than 1 kill per match instead of doing nothing the entire time playing omega passively so I can kill a single tiger with one of the shittiest tanks in the game yeah you can kill a tiger in the archer doesnt mean you will kill a half decent player without camping a singular angle the entire match which you can also do in literally any other tank

Having all shell OSing every tank isn’t a solution I think. Maybe I’m wrong.


Low tier heavy tanks really arent that much slower than their medium tank counterparts. Again, think KV1, Jumbo, T14. Usually just about 1-2 hp/t lower. Not every heavy tank is maus level.

As stated before, their protection is already incredibly relevant. Why do you think all the sealclubbing tanks are all heavily armored? And 99% of tanks in the game would rather have a downtier than a uptier.

You say heavy tanks feel pointless in uptiers but what about the other way around? Heavy tank in downtiers is incredibly powerful. This change only serves to make heavy tanks even more opressive in downtiers.

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it’s the only solution for the dopamine addicted here, can’t have players actually using their brains


This is why this post is so badly planned and messed up. They’ve admitted APHE is performing better than it should, but they’ve also committed to making it perform even better than before.

I have to assume they thought players would see that realism and gameplay (an APHE nerf to balance the buff) went in the same direction here, but they messed it up and now they’re kinda screwed no matter what they do.

Good news is the stronger APHE they’re going to put in regardless is certainly gonna push KV-1s up at least 0.3 BR now, probably more, along with all the other APHE slingers.

Solid shot, APCR, low end APDS, HESH, etc don’t have to be guaranteed one-shots. They should be more competitives than they currently are though


This is a balance issue created by compression;

Many vehicles (not just heavy tanks) are too powerful in full downtiers, and too weak in full uptiers; that’s because the range of opponents they can face is too wide.

In Maus’ case, for example, the range goes from M26 Pershing to T-55M-1… this is too much.

With decompression, most if not all such balance issues would be solved.

Hence more decompression would be in order; after all, BR is War Thunder’s primary balanced mechanism and it should remain as such; not artificial nerfs or buffs.

does that mean tutel goes higher?

One can certainly hope that the APHE buff leads to BR increases

Just wait to see 1B and 1E remain at 4.0 regardless for 32456765456th year in a row, since as gajin once said “they aren’t performing that good” or smth

KV-1 was already on the edge of promotion, a loss on this vote means it’s definitely headed up this year, I’d say. Which will clear out some room for the other tanks lower down and force them to fight things that can kill them.

Wouldn’t be what I’d have chosen as the outcome here, but it’s the second-order effect of what people voted against today.

Having cupola weakspots and “trick shots” gives those in lower BR tanks a way to effectively fight back? So currently you are trying to make heavy tanks even stronger in downtiers in hopes gaijin will decompress later???

its like “A lifetime of War song” two way to view the world bring the hell on earth. Maybe just add it to the new test sever for next patch and let us try it first than vote, after all we can only imagining what it will look like before we try it ourself.