Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

mate, everything at 8.7 and 8.3 besides the t10m and maybe the is4m have aphe at that br, how are you complaining about getting downtiers 😭😭😭😭😭

also you’re not getting spared with those tanks even, cuz its like 180g of tnt, that is gonna cause overpressure, not just small burns

the 183mm hesh of FV4005 doesn’t mean HESH is better than APHE.

completely different tank buddy, and i’m talking about the mechanic that kills you, yk, the overpressure? and how easy it is compared to aiming for a weakspot like with aphe, which dawns on it in comparison???

round big=more damage
ain’t no magic.
just like a big aphe shell will overpressure you.

How does this make them more viable? The solid shot debacle is not been changed at all, this is about aphe

99% of these updates is more of how the community will evolve, which is always fun to watch

Good point, but from experience, it’s far harder to reliably shoot out barrels when people are wiggling them, otherwise you can exploit the fat cupolas of mid tier German tanks, and not to mention barrels eating shells and turret de sync being a real pain in the ass

Wtf happened with the vote!?

It went from being 70-30% for 21 hours, to 54-46% in less than two hours, out of the blue…

This is fishy as hell. Tinfoil hat theory, but it feels as if APHE supporters decided to have it their way and made a kajillion alt accounts just to vote “No”.

There is no other way to explain how a steady 70-30 result over 21 hours would suddenly shift all the way around to 50-50 in less than 2 hours.


The change looks good, the only thing scares me is this are going change the perform of a lot tanks and for sure Gaijin need months or even years for change his BRs according to his new perform.

Time zones are a thing, people might have told their friends/squadmates about it, sqn leaders might tell their members to vote a certain way, etc. I haven’t voted yet so idk if you can change what you chose, if so then some people might have reconsidered

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A person who can think, and not whine about the bias of the council, raised subscribers to direct votes in a better direction.

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im not ignoring your point, you just cant comprehend time zones and work schedules, my pendejo…


Enlighten me then- which time zone exactly makes a vote that’s been steady for 21 hours suddenly make a 180° in barely 2 hours…?

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The YouTuber called on people to unite and prevent the projectile from being killed, and it turned out 50/50

Oh… which one?

If that’s really the case, that’s sad… but it explains how there could be such a drastic and sudden change.

So much for independent thinking…


“just 2 hrs” is very hard to believe, unless uve just been sitting at the puter for several hours watching over it. which is in turn very unfortunate waste of time.


this is also very humourous, considering your impact on Win/Loss Reward Multipliers☹️


extremely ironic coming from you


I mean you don’t have to sit and stare at the results to notice a change, you can look at the results now and then come back in 2 hours time and you’ll be able to see how much things have changed in that period of time

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