Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

I am not intolerant. What am I intolerant about?

Russians do not represent Putin, I do not represent Assad, saying I do is RACISM

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Can you stop Eddie pls. I think Sideways also does not want to derail this conversation but you are going on!

Why do you needed to specify that?

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@EddieVanHalo being from a racist/homophobic/transfobic/xenofobic/etc… country doesn’t make you automatically a bigot. A bigot is who the bigot does (semicit to Forrest Grump)

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My point exactly

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Back on topic. Thoughts on this?


Could be tested

No, Eddie we are not done. You are being racist towards Syrian now “can’t take the Syrian out of the person” what is wrong with you. You are disgusting.

We are not down until you stop. You are a sick person. Do you represent Margret Thatcher because you are British?

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We are done.Back on topic.

I voted against even doing this but I think it should be tried first.
I think I was wrong to vote against it without a trial but I have little faith in the devs at present.

No Eddie we are not. Apologize for being racist and then we will be. This is disgusting. You have some special hate towards me because I am Syrian? Really? That’s acceptable to you?

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Well if mods don’t intervene I think he will continue regardless…

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Eddie I… I can’t follow you. This, this is crazy

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I am nasty because I am Syrian? Really? My country of origin defines me?

You have the right to speak but not the right to be correct. You are a bigoted loser who is openly racist. Touch some grass.

I have been an American citizen for 11 years. I am not some dumb Arab.

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Well as I said I am not racist .I have tried to get back on topic and even answered the recent question but he wont leave it.

Speak in English as you are required to on this forum and we wont have this misunderstanding.
I am English ,I dip into slang sometimes and I have to stop myself.
I genuinely do not understand some people on here so I really wonder how those who use a translator manage.

Now end this stupidity and moderate yourselves.

Eddie you are being openly racist towards Syrians and there is no denying it. He is speaking in English and is not using slang. Get off your high horse, you are not better than everyone else because you don’t use the word dude.


Then lets for God’s sake move on as you and I suggest so many times.Why are you keeping on at me? We both tried to get back on topic.

@Stona_WT @Smin1080p_WT @Pacifica please clean this up, we are very off topic yet he refuses to go to PMs. He is also being openly racist towards many groups of people.


I am speaking English! I only like to put slangs and Internet gergo! UwU, OwO, * giggles * and so on? Is it wrong to you? Why I can’t?

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This is sadly why you need moderators.Something tiny gets blown up and it’s all over.
Stop screaming racism when it’s not racism.

Now you want to back out of this after destroying the thread?