Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Well, considering there are just 2 more hours left i think No i the winning option

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The issue is that Gaijin makes all AP rounds penetrate the armor without the round breaking up.
It goes in and it goes out. So now they want APHE to do the same, even though that’s completely unrealistic.

Why is the damage so low? Because the damage from AP rounds in WT depends on the armor spalling, the more penetration the round has, the more armor spalling, meaning more damage to the inside.

In reality AP rounds would deform during the penetration process and break appart on the other side,
the whole point of spaced armor.

Instead of a 6.8kg solid piece of steel creating no armor spalling, you should have 6.8kg of heavy steel fragments from the shell, instead of that solid chunk that just goes through the front and hits the engine in the back, without dealing any damage to crews and components in the fighting compartment.

This should only be the case for APC rounds, and only when they penetrate armor that isn’t heavily sloped (0-40°, maybe 45°), since otherwise the APC round will break up regardless.

The realistic behaviour of shells should be:

  • AP: Breaks appart when penetrating anything but medium thickness armor plates. Unless the impact was near 0-10°.
  • APHE: Only functions against thin armor plates, otherwise the shell breaks appart like AP. More prone to breaking up due to bursting cavity.
  • APC: Stays intact unless when impacting highly sloped armor.
  • APC-HE: Bursting charge breaks up the round after penetration, but won’t function at high angle due to shell break-up and fuze failure. High capacity shells break up more easily.
  • APCR/APDS: Penetrator turns into heavy tungsten fragments after impacting relatively thin armor plates → Penetrator shatters easily against spaced armor but very lethal damage and decent armor penetration of fragmetns. Much more affective against soft targets, like Milk Trucks compared to AP.
  • Tungsten Alloy APDS: Penetrator stays intact. It goes in one end, and comes out the other, deformed and with less penetration.

Perfect description. Guys flood this comment with likes! Gaijin need to know!

You haven’t been on this forum if you think that is every reason people voted no. Like that is clear as day you haven’t.

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I think you need sources to call this behavior realistic.


Even if the vote manages to flip the other way and a test event does indeed come to the game, it’s still an automatic “no” for myself and my friends. Don’t even half to partake in the event. It’s a nerf so there’s no need to waste my time testing said nerf.

I do like the fact another popular game just recently nerfed something a lot of players enjoyed using and they got review bombed as well. So hopefully that sentiment will carry over. What’s ironic about is that the nerf was also because “we wanted said weapon type to behave more realistically”. That didn’t turn out well for them.


“I don’t want vehicles move up in BR. That would be a nerf. Just move the others down.”
You sound a bit like this.


Your voting yes for a system that makes APHE not perform like it does realistically

The system that was being suggested would make the distribution of shrapnel worse. Then the current system is.
Image taken off the internet.

You should still try the event if it comes out, at least for the respect to the dev who allowed to choose the direction

It’s purely because this is a game changer that you need to try it if you can

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I did say quite a few times that yes, this would throw balancing out the window for a while, until Gaijin had enough data they will never share with us or post to make BR adjustments. And I don’t want that. So I voted no. As did a lot of people who voted no as well. It will take months for Gaijin to have a large enough data set for there to be new BR changes.

If they do the test, only people who actually took part in the test should be allowed to vote.

Imagine someone who has never been to your restaurant and never tasted your food, gives you 1 star review online.

Threatening with review bombing, great. This is such a healthy way to resolve conflicts within the community.


Every big change will mess up balance.


No. My respect for the devs was partaking in the vote as asked. And my vote was a no. Again, I don’t even want this rework. Why would I waste my limited game time partaking in something I don’t want? That doesn’t make much sense.

Did we get to vote on any of those? I don’t recall that being the case. This time we did and so I voted no. I would’ve absolutely voted no on the ATGM nerf full stop.

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I mean, from what I get that’s what he’s doing, but why is that a bad thing?

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And in this case due to the buff to APHE they said they would do anyway, BRs were going to shift around anyway. “Because it’ll mess with BRs” when a NO meant a significant APHE buff and you were just voting down the counter-nerf was always a terrible argument. Anyone suggesting it still by this point is either being dishonest about their real reason. Or is just kinda dim.


I see why you voted no, and myself i did vote no, because i would rather gaijin to work on other features than this very, but if the test event really goes out, well i think nobody is legitimate to vote without trying it. It’s not because you tried that you accepted

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It’s not a bad thing for the being we are referring to vote yes. However, it’s a bad thing when you take into consideration the fact that the person probably didn’t actually read it, and then look up pictures or videos of how APHE works to what was being proposed.

If they also respond to this then I already know they didn’t.

Considering the simple fact that it would affect the entire player base, that would be an asinine means to do so. Especially to players who didn’t want the test anyway.

Idk why you still so hurted by ppl voting no, if it’s not just because you voted yes and some didnt do like you. At my eyes of idiot “no” voter, this comment and the previous one from the Guy telling he gonna vote against the add without trying the test if there would be one, these two have same value.
I hoped you Saw that i’ve never blamed you for voting one of the possibilities. Every anwser are right if they are justified, principes of poll.
Edit : i see you coming and imma tell that “no voter” have also arguments, like everybody (yes we are also equiped with brain, increadible right ?), they did not all vote just because a Guy told them to