Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

If no more cupola shot availible that makes the shell worse ? I dont mean it becomes a bad shell, just worse coz less good

No, it balances tanks and forces players to use the shell correctly.

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Then the shell will be “harder” to use (it will be harder to one shot i mean)
Btw, any news about the poll ?

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Yes gaining a little of steam

It doesn’t matter how much kinetic energy each round has when impacting the armour, only how much it has left after penetrating it.

As you have pointed out, yes, the 90mm shell has initially more KE, but it also has to expend more to make a bigger hole in the armour than a 76mm one.

In the end both shells enter the tank having the same amount of KE.

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There is. :)

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It’s harder to stop a Big object than a light, that’s called inertia (not the 1st of newton). That’s why Big have generally more pen than lite with same speed, and why Big rounds Can pen angles that light cant

Yet, doesn’t that inherently mean more armor spall as more armor has to be moved out of the way?

And if both rounds have the same energy after penetration, that means more energy went into the armor when M77 penetrated. So the fragments it produces would still be faster and higher damage.

Yes, bigger caliber should produce more spall by mass.

Not all armor that was displaced by the shell is ejected into the crew compartment, only the rearmost “slice” about half caliber thick.
And since we’re assuming that both shells have equal kinetic energy as they exit the armor, the bigger shell will move slower as it exits the armour, and the spall it generates will be too. So it will create more fragments, but which will be slower moving. Whether the outcome will be more or less deadly than that of a smaller, faster shell is not clear.

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Either way, as I’ve pointed out previously, these rounds should still be changed in some way.

Even if the full changes to APHE were to, in the end, be implemented, M62 and M82 would still just be better than their respective M79 and M77 rounds.

Even T33 which is better the M77 is still largely worse than M82. And even when you get further upgraded M318A1, M82 is still prefered.

Yes true, and you could remove aphe that it wouldnt make ap better

Yes, like others have said: the best way to make both solid shells and APHE to be both realistic and balanced would be to remove the APHE “sphere of death”, increase the lethality of solid shot spall and change the requirements to “kill” a vehicle to killing half of their max crew members.


So we’re talking about shrapnel flying at speeds close to the speed of a shotgun pellet (about 340 m/s). And some people believe it’s realistic that these metal fragments do not cause any significant damage to the crew.

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That’s another funny thing. Thanks to the bullet damage model, the evolution of the projectiles becomes garbage. From the M77 to the T33 to the M318A1, all this evolution of ammunition ends up being thrown in the trash by the M82 , since it is the only bullet that works.

How would this change reduce the survivability of any tank whatsoever? And I seriously doubt that it will just immediately make a bunch of tanks worthless. You have to remember that even after this change APHE will still probably be the best shell in the game. All of the shells around it aren’t going to change, instead it just might not nuke entire crews just from aiming center of mass. Ironically I think that the 75 Panther would benefit from this change as well courtesy of the playing field being a bit more level for solid shot shells and more of a requirement to actually aim.


But it is demonstrated in the votes, people prefer to use a panther carrying 7 bullets while facing a sherman firefly, than to play a balanced game in which (as in reality) whoever penetrates first has an advantage. For many people it is wonderful receive a Full AP shot on the side, turn the tower and kill the one who shot you with an APHE.

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Yep, “Yes” is gaining and gaining votes!

Let’s see how it goes. Either way I will be ok

I wonder what caused it, maybe procrastination lmao.

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Bots… /s

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Well, considering there are just 2 more hours left i think No i the winning option

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