Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

It’s not busted, it’s literally the way the game has been, seeing that APHE even only matters up till 7.7 or 7.3, there are ALOT of things that have lots of armour, even at 6.3 or 5.0 and above, aphe has worked as a single kill round and the claims that it is OP prob stem from the ability to OSK, but it’s not, it’s just more ideal, similar to solid AP being able to one shot as well, the general idea still applies, don’t be so aggressive and honestly, maiming russia, USA and Germany all together, I still aim for gunners and commanders till I reached 7.3, I’m not interested in Britain but I’ve played their light tanks and they are good, nothing can be quite too strong but honestly they work in their own rights and there are honestly more infuriating things than just the AP damage at that point like CAS, teammates and the map design, anyways, I don’t call AP bad as it’s a play style of its own, aphe’s play style is similar if you don’t want to die by getting sniped, and idk why you wanna let yourself get shot anyways, that’s just bad practice, besides that, APHE is fine as is, what really needs fixing is spall damage on solid AP rounds and the spall itself, like fuel tanks completely eating spall and ammo not detonating when your shell goes right through them, anyways, in most cases they do, and that’s the most reliable way to use APCBC rounds at 6.7, as a heavy tank user of USA, i really didn’t mind the solid AP as I know where to aim, what was more a pain in the ass were the foxes in uptiers and volumetric, if I get shot I expect to die, or be so crippled I can’t do anything to resist getting killed by a subsequent shot, if I’m an open top, the only ergigoous thing is get overpressure by early heat rounds when I get hit on the track and my tank is massive or has proper armour

Regarding play style, I get similar rewards for getting assists and honestly it’s understandable why my AP rounds don’t do as much damage as APHE, but I’d rather take it that if I die to a tank, that’s a skill issue rather than to blame it on something else, cuz I died from being careless, at lower brs where armour weakspot knowledge is essential, I would still give my enemy the satisfaction of being able to beat me in a gun fight when he knows how to aim, regardless of what shell type he is using, cuz one must be the first to shoot to usually win and honestly, I f’ed up bad if I died anyways

Those weaksponts already make their armour not matter and you speculate they will go up, you have no evidence they will. You also ignore they quite clearly state overpressure won’t change so many guns will still be capable just not every gun.

You still fail to explain how buffing solid shot will stop shells one shotting tanks they shouldn’t.

You also ignore your own logic that if the solid shot is buffed they will go up in br… Your logic is broken.

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Honestly all of the changes here shouldn’t go through and we should have a buffing of solid shot- then we are pretty much golden, as long as HESH becomes decent lol

tank harder to kill, some weakspots become irrelevant and thus useless
natural increase in BR

I couldnt give less of a shit about this if you are arguing from a realism perspective tbh.

No, it isnt. High-pen rounds tend to be on a minority of vehicles, wheras the majority carry guns that have to aim for weakspots. If those weakspots become useless or much less consistent they will go up in BR.

However, if the high-pen tanks go up in BR, the weakspots still exist, which keeps the BR down.

No it isn’t. APCR+ does fine and keeps their armor relevant.

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Or you know that an APHE nerf would mean that all high pen tanks with post-war ammo would go up in BR, because their main justification for being so low - post-pen damage - is no longer as significant of a handicap as it was before. That means a lot of Swedish tanks will go up.

We could craft theories based on literally 2 screenshots and 2 diagrams or we could actually test it. Anyone who claims that this will happen or that will happen has absolutely 0 evidence it will happen.

What we really need is realism. War Thunder has always taken realism when it comes to mechanics very seriously. This is not a wishful thinking concert.

Leave the balance up to BRs or eventually shells each vehicle gets, like top tier jets are sometimes balanced by not giving them the best missiles they had in real life.

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lol what

This is completely incorrect, for a number of reasons. They will still be extremely vulnurable- even with nerfed postpen on aphe they are quite literally paper and can be penned anywhere- their BRs are unlikely to change. Heavy tanks, of which we have none, are likely to massively go up.

I have quite literally said I give zero shits about realism in this- you can either have viable heavies or “realistic” APHE, not both.

Nope, not really.

APCR has shit postpen and is useless as a primary round, combined with shell shattering just existing.

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Which is why it’s a secondary in my M4A2.
It’s only a primary in M26 series of tanks where its penetration is just vastly superior, and functions as an early APDS round.

The ballistic cap doesn’t improve sloped penetration. The slope modifiers come from WWII ballistics but they were using bad information. The reality is blunt APHE was meant to keep the nose intact because Soviet sharp AP was of poor quality.


It baffles me how people can have such far-reaching conclusions, without playing a single game with these changes on the dev server.


Well, now we’ll never know. The poll is not budging and seems to final.

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Well now I feel bad for the results cuz there’s finally someone who isn’t irate about APHE solely

I mean testing can still happen overtime if they spend more time to think it through, testing of course, not implementation, it does open the door for more realistic armour simulations and to address APCR finally being usable

Personally, rn, I don’t want nor think more headaches about the constant battles of realism vs gameplay becoming a hard change is necessary, there’s alot wrong with this game rn and it’s nice to have some actually qol changes that don’t just serve one person’s agenda

Auto translation absolutely correct.
In “front half” he means front part of projectile, that will be added.

Opposition from the very beginning.
We are just taught that NATO not a friend. And you should always be careful with them.

But then i come to western war thunder forum, and became part of the community. I just realized that ordinary civilan doesn’t differ from country to country.

Well, I was even upset that I didn’t meet the stereotypical badass American in sunglasses, ready to throw off a few tons of democracy.

Sometimes the similarities come out In the unexpected way.


We are not different. But true, most people cannot overcome stereotypes.


Who’s been asking? The 20 so or people that I play this game with have never once said they wished APHE was reworked. I certainly don’t want it. So we all voted no.

It baffles me that some people can’t understand how other people just don’t want this change, at all.

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Helicopter tree :3

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The poll isn’t what dictates it occurring.
It’s obvious people that voted no were lied to.
Gaijin will take that into account and likely do the test anyway.

I play the game. I’m only in vacation. Unlike you I have a life