Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Nerfing APHE doesn’t make solid shot better.

I initially voted no because I don’t see the need for any changes, and I don’t believe that Gaijin will properly balance the game after they are added.

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True. What we really need is solid shot buff lmao

I have every nation unlocked. It benefits everyone. If aphe was fixed many vehicles will be more competitive. American cold war tanks with their cupola, t95 with their cupola, German ww2 designs with theirs etc. Mg ports on panthers, tigers, jumbo, t32, coaxial mg penetration etc. All nations will benefit and many heavy tanks will become more viable instead of one shot cupola kills.


Nope. Because of this they are then moved up to where their armor is completely irrelevent.

That won’t fix anything. Solid shot already works well if you understand the basic mechanics of it. She’ll shatter needs to be gone though.

Aphe fix means tanks armour and crew configurations will mean more and armour meta will be more effective for all nations.

Imagine Gaijin had implemented T-90M with fire and detonation-proof ammoracks, 152mm fictional gun with 700mm of pen, 120 km/h top speed, 3,000hp and 600mm KE LFP.

What would fix the situation;

Artificially buffing all other tanks to match artificially OP T-90M…

…or fixing T-90M to remove its fantasy over-the-top capabilities so that it became grounded like every other tank?

Because apparently, according to this logic, “nerfing (the hypothetically comically broken) T-90M doesn’t make other tanks better”.


This isn’t nerfing APHE though. This is testing an overall sidegrade to APHE. Namely making APHE more accurate than it currently is.

I fragged an ARL-44 today due to how OP APHE is. ARL-44 would’ve easily fragged my KV-1E if APHE wasn’t OP currently.


I watched this video and the other 2 he recommended with translation (they have subtitles in Russian making for a better translation) and I expected nothing less from Russians.

I highly recommend to watch these 2 videos with translated subtitles:


I also finally watched the video of the Russian CC that told people to vote no in full.

So apparently the CIS community has been lied to and manipulated in a few ways:

  1. They were told that the vote is about immediately implementing these changes on the live server, not about testing it.
  2. They were told that this is an APHE nerf, that’s supposed to please the “Johns” (stereotypical western player) and make War Thunder the same as World of Tanks.
  3. They were told that Gaijin did this vote during the time YouTube is blocked in Russia on purpose, so that the CIS community will be uninformed and the “Johns” will win the vote (voting for yes ofc).
  4. In the video of the Russian CC with high authority that told people to vote no, they were told to mobilize and vote against this change to save War Thunder from becoming World of Tanks and a random mess of inconsistent shots, which is what “Johns” want. It was almost like a speech that would end with “URRA, ZA RODINU”.

One video of the guy that exposes the situation in CIS region also brought up an interesting point that flew over my head and I forgot about it.

People say that they voted no, because as Gaijin said, preparing the test will consume Gaijin’s resources on something they don’t want it anyway and there are more important issues. However, players put this in the roadmap themselves 8 months ago, so it clearly means APHE is one of the important issues according to players themselves.

Even this thread is called “Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes”.

He says that Gaijin made this vote before the testing on purpose, because they don’t want to spend resources on something that might be rejected, even though they promised it in the roadmap and they have plenty of resources. Also it was promised for the Summer of 2024, which is coming to an end, and they may just not be able to meet the deadline.

He says that Gaijin made this vote before the test, so that they can present the changes in a suggestive manner, as they did with the Tiger examples and using a small caliber gun like the one ASU-57 has, so that the community is more likely to vote no.

This leads us to misleading facts, which were told to everyone. Everyone says that we are voting whether we want to nerf APHE or not, but no one accounts for the 2 buffs that 100% will be added.

Everyone sees the images with fragment zones from the explosion, but no one sees the images with fragment zones, secondary fragments and the slug.

Examining the fragment zones change separately, which is what practically everyone is doing even when presenting all the changes, heavily influences people’s opinion.

It’s said that we are voting on if we want to just straight up massively nerf APHE or not and it’s implied that if we don’t, it will stay as it is, because of the images with fragment zones.

You can’t conclude how will the shell will perform exactly, if it receives both buffs and nerfs, that’s why testing is needed.

I will let the video speak for itself:
It’s set on the right time, just turn on subtitles and auto translating.

Or summarizing screenshots for anyone who’s lazy to watch a 45 second clip:


@Tim_TeaDrinker Let me know if I got anything wrong due to auto translation.


That’s already the case with tanks like IS-2 or Tiger I on Pzgr. shells, because of overpressure.

This is untrue.

Most (if not all) of the ideas for the roadmap came from CC feedback.

Saying “players” put this change in the roadmap is highly disingenuous when a great majority of players had no input at all.


Here’s something I don’t understand about this whole “CIS”/“Johns” thing.

I’m former warsaw pact myself. I do not consume media from my own country.

While blocked websites are certainly a barrier, I have plenty of friends from the CIS region who casually consume youtube and english media without much issue. Granted, they work with computers but that’s not a high bar.

Why is there such a massive separation between western/eastern players? English is a very easy language to learn, and honestly I’ve found it to have far more utility for socialization, entertainment and education than to restrict myself to Hungarian media and ecosystems.


Which will mean they get moved up more.

Which will mean their armor is irrelevant.

Political off-topic

Because Russians want you to learn Russian, not English.

Language has always been an indicator of who’s a dominant power in the world. During the cold war on the western side of the iron curtain you would learn English and on the eastern side you would learn Russian.

When Poland was partitioned, the Prussians and Austrians tried to Germanize us and the Russians tried to Russify us. That primarily means teaching German/Russian language, history and culture in schools, while banning teaching Polish history and culture as well as banning speaking in Polish, entirely or to some degree, depending on the stage of Germanization/Russification.

You can learn about the importance of language, it’s too off-topic here.

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Just leave aphe busted, unrealistic and broken. Totally, just stop fixing the game adding new content because it could all change br’s of vehicles. We should all just keep playing the game just as it is today and never change it. Great idea.


Or realize the detrimental impact it will have and buff solid shot, thus fixing all the problems.

It won’t fix the problem. How will buffing the 17pdr stop a 75mm aphe shot from one shotting a tiger through the cupola? How will buffing apds stop tiger 2 nuking t95 in one shot through the cupola? How will buffing 2pdr ap stop t34 one shot ting t-32 through the machine gun port every single shot?


Regardless, APHE is gonna be even more OP and the gap between APHE and other ammo types is gonna get even larger if the change doesn’t go through.

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Let me lay this out for you.

Being able to be killed through weakspots balances heavies, and APHE is a key point in that. Because those weakspots do exist, the heavies can stay at a BR where, minus those weakspots, they are very resistant to shells.

If they no longer have those weakspots they becomr significantly stronger and get moved up to a point where their armor doesnt matter.

Now, if other shells get buffed, the high-pen rounds that people so often complain about (i.e. M51, Ikv 103, etc), get moved up. Because heavies have to face less of them they are better, but are still balanced because of those weakspots.

You cant be both hard to pen and hard to kill.

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APHE is not a key point to balancing heavies; the BR system is.


APHE is a key point to balancing them if you want their armor to be relavent.