Following the Roadmap: Skill Bonuses in RP & Selectable Night Battles!

You forgot the part where they left out SimEC players…


I won’t even bother playing a new match to get the same results. Here is a screenshot from 3 months ago, a 4 kill game at top tier netted me 3k. With the 100% boost I would have gotten in this patch it would have been 6k. Hurray, instead of having to play 130 4kill games to unlock a new plane now I only have to do 65! I have given, to my great shame, over 10k hours to war thunder. I won’t be playing again any time soon

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RP reward is so inconsiquential in the ground grind that this skill reward is insulting.

Still taking 70+ games with a premium vehicle and account to grind out one vehicle as you get closer to top tier.


That would be nice to see more active player in air-to-air combat in sim. Also pls chack my inbox :))

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Regarding night battles: why did you make it BR limited? If its optional it should be without any BR restrictions.


Maybe because the whole reason they removed it. The lack of night vision. Low BR’s don’t have NVD. Lowest one I can think is the ASU-57

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Can ground battle rp be bumped up it is trash 🗑 Kills themselves don’t net you enough rp for some reason even though it is the primary objective

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My congrats to the team behind this.
It is one of the best things to come to the game since I can remember!
Love it.


Ask that team what they have against SimEC players… And why they can’t do better?


Are naval progression changes still on the roadmap?

Absolutely not… try playing any Ground map without capturing a point and only getting kills, you will loose that game if the other team takes the points. taking and holding points in ground is way more indicative of a win and a vast majority of matches i play i ground are won by holding the points and winning on tickets.

The only time this is even applicable is in AirRB where a majority of matches are won through killing all enemy planes. BUT in AirAB (why no skill RP in AirSB btw?) are mostly won on tickets by taking and holding airfields, destroying all ground AI or destroying bases. I think maybe 5% of all matches in AirAB are won by completely killing the enemy team.

Setting the RP bonus solely on kills has a high risk of taking away the dynamic of gameplay.

in Air there will no longer be a reason to take bombers or strike aircraft because you will get more rewarded by just going like flies to a poop in the center and getting as many kills as possible. not fun.

in ground it takes away the incentive for players to capture points because the risk of loosing your tank is no longer worth it. camping and sniping will be much more rewarding compared to the low risk. you just took away all the sniping spots but now you are introducing a mechanic that rewards sniping? i don’t get it…

this is almost worse than nothing. sure it gives more RP but its going to slowly make the game less fun to play. and i would rather have a fun game than more RP.

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Regarding the night battles i love everything about it!
except the BR limit. why 10.0? then what use does the night vision on the lower BR’s have?

But the night battle part of this seams awesome :)

All actions should be counted for these skill bonuses, getting a cap, getting a certain amount of assists, killing a certain number of ground AI targets or dropping X amount of tonnage.
You’ve given a reason for people to stick in matches and fight, now give an incentive to fight over caps and objectives rather than bypassing them and pushing spawns.
Give bombers and attackers who can’t participate in dogfights their opportunity to earn more rewards.

Especially since the things that need RP the most are bone stock vehicles people are grinding, those will struggle the most to get kills and they need this the most.


Flawed thinking that kills are supposed to indicate skill… when sometimes the kills only come due to teammates showing actual skill, like baiting an enemy, having situational awareness where pushing an enemy down is more important than killing him right away due to other enemies being still high and incoming, moving in such a way that a friendly has an easy time to get the enemy of the six…
All those are skills that should be rewarded and in the past were, by simply having the proximity score.

Did it have some flaws? Yes, but none that actually were valid reasons to remove it. The reward was not enough to encourage botting; the scoreboard increase trick to know if someone was close was just an issue in Ground RB and SB, but less of an issue than the separate engine volume control and it was tricky to use with the scoreboard covering the screen.

Best regards,
---------------- Manual signature until those and profile pics are returned ----------------
Bring back old forum, forum profile pictures, and signatures but most importantly the old forum!

My complete tech trees (incl. all special vehicles) spreadsheet is updated to match 2.23 (only accurate atm for list & status of vehicles): War Thunder Tech Trees 2.31 (V15.00 temp - does not have all the last econ changes) - Google Spreadsheets Contains probably all vehicles WT has published.


We all know most people won’t get 3 kills in a game, a number that surely wasn’t selected on random either, so by design it’s a bonus RP that doesn’t affect the majority of players.

Second problem is that it just incentivizes killing, something everyone already does anyways, where is the bonus for capturing zones? Where is the bonus for helping with repair, which is some laughable amount of SL that it’s never worth risking, where is the bonus for scouting, where is the bonus for playing SPAA, where is the bonus for any sort of team or objective focused play that incentivizes a better gameplay experience for everyone instead of rewarding lone wolf rambos who park up outside of spawn and abuse the poor map design and balance issues to rack up kills?

And the third problem is that is still does nothing to solve the insultingly low amounts of RP gained per game, when ground forces in particular require almost 3 times as much time investment to progress through the tree, with millions upon millions of RP added per update and nothing having been done in over 10 years to increase the RP gain with the massively increased requirements.

The changes in progression have a noticeable delayed effect, so at the moment we’re wary of introducing bonuses for nations.

Wary that we actually make meaningful progression? Wary that we actually enjoy the game and aren’t’ frustrated and annoyed into purchasing premium vehicles so we can ODL at top tier?
Or wary of upsetting the holy ‘‘vehicle acquisition rate’’ which apparently is balanced on such a razor sharp edge that the slightest change risks destroying the entire progression system somehow?


As any change in RP gain would somehow mean we are able to obtain thousands of vehicles ‘‘in a few weeks’’ because either the RP gain remains the same as it is, and as it has been for the last 10 years, which means about 50 years worth of grind, or it’s a few weeks grinding, there is no in-between somehow.


I dont think it would work for SimEC and that is why I think it is not getting it.
What sense does make to reward kills in a gamemode you can manipulate to get fake kills?
SimEC is the easiest gamemode to abuse, this mechanic would just make it even more broken.
Imagine players killing alt accounts for the 100% and then just going for the ground targets.
It would be the most broken grind mechanic in the game.


Sounds like a game design issue.


If you are a regular player it is very easy to get 3 kills, just put some effort on improving your gameplay.
Or even better ‘‘one death leavers’’ now get rewarded for not leaving and getting kills, this is awesome.
Basically making ‘‘one death leavers’’ obsolete!


That’s not the point, the point is that most people do not get 3 kills, don’t tell people to ‘git gud’ or that it’s a ‘‘skill issue’’, these numbers are specifically chosen to higher than what the average person achieves, Gaijin has the numbers, it’s intentionally setting the benchmark beyond what the average person achieves in order to minimize the amount of people you have to payout.

And even if they do, 15% is a joke, as in the example, if you get 3k RP, you get an extra 500 RP, that’ll really make a dent in the 400.000 RP research for the next vehicle or the 500.000 RP needed for modules, a whopping 0.1%.

And thinking it makes one death leavers obsolete is extremely warped thinking, no idea how you come to that conclusion, you think people are going to stop leaving because they want a few hundred RP bonus that they’ll waste time in a TT vehicle over their premium vehicle?


I’ve been playing this game for over ten years, and still haven’t come close to unlocking all the aircraft. I don’t even have any tanks, boats, or heli’s unlocked. But yet Gaijin is so afraid that we’ll all progress through the game in a week if they give us an achievable progression scheme.

It’s sad how game design is so heavily influenced by greed.