Following the Roadmap: Skill Bonuses in RP & Selectable Night Battles!

What are you on about, they have foldered half the tree so you can skip them if you want, introduced a skill bonus and upped the SL income so you can afford that new vehicle for your line up as soon as you unlock it.
As for the response it’s merely saying we are waiting to see the results on the economy since they have changed the economy of rp and sl so dramatically in such a short time before making decisions on how to implement changes further.

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This. Very much.

Wit the “Useful Actions” function, already now there’s little incentive to go for kills and skill, and the current system benefits especially gameplay abusers very strongly.

Adding the Skill Bonus System also for Air Sim EC could motivate more players to a) join and b) play the objectives and the fighter role.


Literal skill issue. You have an altimeter use it.

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Altimeters don’t make you see through fog… 🤦‍♂️

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Not with that attitude they don’t.

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As long as you count only kills (ok damage in naval) for a “skill” bonus there is no reason to name it this way.

Just name it “kill bonus” and introduce a kind of “MVP” bonus for players able to play multiple win conditions for winning the match (caps, scouting, kill assists, defending caps, killing tickets, etc.).

Although i do agree that there is very high correlation of high kill numbers and winning a match, limiting a bonus to just one of at least 2 possible win conditions seems to be not fair vs the whole player base.


You might be happy with minimum effort from a company, but I’m not. I got standards. I need to see results for my money!


Sounds like a skill issue.


I thought the point of adding national research bonuses was to increase incentives of playing more nations/vehicles, especially considering the condition of getting this bonus was by obtaining a high rank vehicle of a nation. I don’t think it is wise to get cold feet about this, this would be a huge incentive for players to expand into other less played nations.


It’s literally been a day since they added the newest addition to rp improvements.

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It is all about gimme gimme gimme.

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I do not like the changes concerning nightbattles.
Those should be available for any Vehicle of any BR in both Arcade and Realistic Battles as well as Simulator Battles.
All that had to change was to make it optional and therefore leave it to the dicreation of the Player wether or not he / she wants to Play nightbattles.
The newly implementet regulation is to restrictive and for this reason not desireable.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that nightbattles should be accesseable for all Vehicles that got researched NVD’s ready.


You forgot the part where they left out SimEC players…


I won’t even bother playing a new match to get the same results. Here is a screenshot from 3 months ago, a 4 kill game at top tier netted me 3k. With the 100% boost I would have gotten in this patch it would have been 6k. Hurray, instead of having to play 130 4kill games to unlock a new plane now I only have to do 65! I have given, to my great shame, over 10k hours to war thunder. I won’t be playing again any time soon

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RP reward is so inconsiquential in the ground grind that this skill reward is insulting.

Still taking 70+ games with a premium vehicle and account to grind out one vehicle as you get closer to top tier.


That would be nice to see more active player in air-to-air combat in sim. Also pls chack my inbox :))

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Regarding night battles: why did you make it BR limited? If its optional it should be without any BR restrictions.


Maybe because the whole reason they removed it. The lack of night vision. Low BR’s don’t have NVD. Lowest one I can think is the ASU-57

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Can ground battle rp be bumped up it is trash 🗑 Kills themselves don’t net you enough rp for some reason even though it is the primary objective

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My congrats to the team behind this.
It is one of the best things to come to the game since I can remember!
Love it.