Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

It was added as a test. I hope the removal means they are changing it based on community feedback.

They did list a time period in the first post

well… throwing a very bad idea out to “test” and then claiming later to have “listened” is like proposing to me, to gimme back 5% of my money i have loan to you, just to later then say " oh sorry that ure mad, i will listen to you and give you 6% back instead" to claim in an argument that u have listened to my complain and changed the money you give back to 6% instead of 5% lol

thats what they are doing here… purposely giving crap and “test” to make a vote or claim to have listened while the “increases/reworked” solution is then just a tiny bit better and still bad

am i the only one seeing that? Why else would they call it a “test” ? if not for that very reason?
After a test a vote or rework comes to excaktly claim that they have listened, otherwise a “test” of a ,mathematicly easy to calculate change, is pointless, they have the statistics already.

They know how many players play how many tanks and what they research, what the rewards are and so on…
its not a game mechanic tested here, its just rewards, numbers, values.


The 7-day testing phase for Research Bonuses For New Nations has now concluded. We’d like to thank everyone for taking part, posting their results and leaving feedback and constructive criticism. We’ll now be taking a look at the testing results as well as feedback and will get back to you at a later date — soon after the upcoming major update.