Dislike do not works like ban. Ban = you will not get the map. Dislike = there is lower chance of getting the map (but you can still get it).
Would we ever have more bans and dislikes than we do now Stona?
I am not saying its bad but as I said from my experience in dissolves into hugging and waiting around the island between B and C. With both teams waitng for the brave idiot/bot to move from the cover.
I might have bit distorted view of it now since I am mainly playing Newport but that is what I observed currently
This. This is sorely needed.
19 major updates, including “La Royale”, have happened since the map rotation filter feature was introduced in update 1.91. A total of 10 new(there was 78 total in 1.91) air arcade missions, 18 new(63 total in 1.91) air realistic missions, 15 new(36 total in 1.91) ground arcade/realistic maps, and 11 new(38 total in 1.91) naval arcade/realistic missions have been added in those updates. Not counting air arcade, this is a 33.3% average increase in the number of available maps/missions(13% increase for air arcade), whilst the number of maps/missions we can like/dislike/ban have stayed the same. I think it is absolutely necessary that we get at least 1 more like/dislike option for each game mode(except air arcade), which would be a 33.3% increase, matching the increase of map/mission numbers. I also strongly request that we get 1 more ban option as well. Even though the map/mission count has not quite doubled yet, it has increased a lot(in fact it has increased by almost 42% for ground vehicles). And being able to ban only 1 map/mission really feels inadequate, when there are so many of them. And now we even have winter versions of preexisting maps that are somehow separate within the map options.
Oh definitely agree. Was just saying that New Zealand is at least somewhat more “passable” than others.
Loader die and take out of shell in real live? SF…for me it happen all time.
it is about not to waste the ammo…
15 s is ok if the process begin after rack 1 ammo is empty…
It literally isn’t on large guns. Trust me from someone who did it. If it’s loaded you either shoot it or you take the weapon system out of action for an extended period to remove and dispose of the round safely.
Yes, but there’s lots of gun TDs that also couldn’t shoot from the move too, would have to stop and put spades in or remove the travel locks on the barrel. Whatever is done to ATGMs would need to be done to them too to be fair.
Hello Great masters,
here is my experience and my constructive feedback about map changes which i collected:
From my side i not really like the following changes:
-Cuban: Spawn protection wellcome (but sadly not save from spawn bombers…), but other part i not really like instead of redesing it would be better if make a same structured map. If i where you i will restore old Cuban map+ add spawn protection part and add will new map: name likefantasy name: 'steppe’s new cuban design.(Note: +1 map)
-Jungle: As i see totally destroyed become too opened and unplayable in arcade game mod/realistic: capture and hold road on G line, spawn camp both spawn : tactic to sneak and capture point or push the opposite team not work, instead of this camp from as far as you can, and if spotted an enemy runner kill him, close combat game play destroyed. Main problems: in G line the road directly connected to both spawn(pizza and fast mouse tanks easy to approach both enemy spawn and spawn camping), and this will decide the whole battle, which team will controll the flank road. C point too opened… and mid part of the map become too opened which mean much more hard to attack and capture mid of the map… and hold it. From A and B like(mostly from A point) the whole mid side of the map attackable.
Which i prefer:
-Eastern Europe: perfect.
-Vietnam: captured and hold point in water much more hard, it would be better if restore rocks. Redesigned swamp wellcomed.
-El Alamein: looks like as a new map i give him a chance however i loved the old one.
-Normandy: perfect.
-Stalingrad: I will check it.
-Maginot-line: perfect.
-Maginot-line: on fields of Maginot-line map not fit for Churchill tanks when reach a position elapsed 3-5 min and most case fight agains panther and tigers which eliminate him with only one shot while nothing can do against him.
-Vietnam: restore old vietnam map but cut it half in horizontal:
Bottom part: it would be easy to create an asian city map for low tier tanks T1-3, fantasy name: ‘Vietnam Fishing City’. (marked with red)(+1 map)
Top part: it would be easy to create an asian swamp map for T1-5 tanks, fantasy name: ‘Vietnam swamp’.(+1 map)
Probably should revert the changes to Poland, spawn camping is even worse now. You can literally see from spawn to spawn and spawn camping happens as soon as protection stops.
3*, my bad. I meant your statement of ammo being swapped without shooting
This is a joke right? You guys are trolling? This is from my spawn, no way this is what you came up with.
Now that I got to experience some of the changes, I can confidently say that as expected, it’s absolute garbage.
If you need to make a third of a map out of bounds in order to preserve players that don’t want to think, maybe it’s an indication that the map is terrible in the first place and shouldn’t be present in the game in the first place.
Between the MOBA style maps with lanes, the ever present visual clutter, and 4/5 maps being some post stamp urban nightmare, can we finally get a dedicated gamemode for people that don’t want to play third person corner peeking ?
Are ground vehicles included in research reduction ?
The community doesn’t want only for aircraft. Can you clearly answer that, we still don’t know…
No, as stated this will be added once tier 8 ground comes, but the foldering and 50% research reductuon of foldered vehicles will be very good for ground
The changes to Jungle map are terrible. Sure you’ve removed trees to provide less cover, but you have also added in rocks/boulders which now limits your ability to move around the map.
It’s stupid small now, with the routes out of the spawn being predictable and unavoidable, with a extremely short drive to be able to shoot into the few routes out of each team’s spawn, just a terrible, terrible map.
This third version is the worst of the bunch. Thankfully with premium I can ban this abomination.
Well, it seems that the devs are working hard, first they have destroyed the BR and now they have also destroyed some maps, this every time. it’s getting better haha.
Yes, I love playing with the IS-4M and the T-54 1947 against leopard 1 and especially against Type 69 IIG, AMX10RC, and other tanks with a more APDSFS stabilizer and even faster than me, which is what The least is happening to me in 7 out of 10 games, because I am a wonderful person and I like to give people easy points.