Following the Roadmap: Reducing Research/Purchase Cost of Aircraft, map changes & more

When will naval maps be worked on in a similar manner? They could use a lot of improvements, especially with regards to island and spawn locations, and BR ranges.

Yeah, this is exactly my biggest problem with the system. I experted my first chally 2 in slot 1 bevcause i needed every edge I could get, but as soon as I get the next chally 2, it makes sense to put it in my slot 1 because its maxed and all other slots are not. (Im an ASB main, so i dont level slots evenly) but this creates real problems when moving stuff around and im forced into wierd line ups just to keep expert/ace


This is so dissapointing, we were promissed less grind.
how is 20k RP reduction on top tier plane that requires 420k RP considered less grind ?
For example we had the MIG 29 the SL cost was decreased by 40k it still costs ridiculous amount of SL.
Why did some of the planes got RP and SL increase instead of decrease ?
i didnt expect much but this is really bad.


Wait what? All british jets it was only 20k. They giving Soviets a bigger discount?

First things first, 10-20% reduction in SLs for purchasing top tier vehicles

I was thinking about it, and this how I’d fix crew expert/ace. For easy math, I’ll say that a top tier vehicle is 1 mil SLs. (but should be more like 800k)

Have 2 types of experting options

  1. 40-50% of the SL cost of the vehicle, this experts ONLY that 1 slot
  2. 100-110% of the SL cost of the vehicle, this experts the vehicle and so works in ALL slots

Ace GE cost should be the same, but I’d halve the RP costs to get it without GE.


Said it since the beginning of the planned roadmap. Knew it would end up bad and here we are lmao. Took them 4 months to come up with that “really complicated” RP reduction 😂


Me 262 A-1a, Ta 152 H-1 and He 162 A-2 are missing.
And why are the Ho 229 V3, the G.91 R/3 and the Lim-5P getting more expensive? G.91 and Lim-5P I kinda understand, because they will go up in rank, but the Ho 223 should not increase in cost.

Also the first jets at Rank 5 should be all at a consistent cost. Currently it is 95.000 RP (already a lot) and should not be raised (Perhaps even lowered). The 262 A1a Jabo should therefore also be 95.000 RP.

All in all (for Germany at least) the changes are welcome but the reduction for top tier jets (Mig 29 and the Tornado) should be significantly higher than they are now (at least 10% to 20%, and not 3-5 % less)



Can gaijin already tell us exactly what Kirill meant with “the total time to get the first “top” vehicle should be a balanced (not too long not too short) number of game hours”?

What is the balanced amount of hours?

Even with these “reductions” it for sure isn’t a healthy amount… 400k RP for a single vehicle out of thousands is simply ridiculous.


now instead of a 30hour f2p grind to get a new top tier jet its only 29 gaijin is very generous.

I can’t wait for skill rp bonus announcement :

Ground RB Rank 7

6 Kills +10%Rp, 9 Kills +15% Rp, 15 Kills +45%Rp


VehicleMultiplier × ( (100%+ Skill bonus) + 100% Talisman + 100%Premium


the detailed table talks about RP for the Panther II… :O are we able to research it again??? :O :O :O

So despite being literally skip-material, Israel gets RP cost increases when everyone else except it and Sweden get huge RP reductions? Of the two, it also gets the most RP cost increases.

Israel is probably the longest to grind on a per vehicle basis, and it gets the short end of the stick on this as well? Has there ever been an update where that wasn’t the case?

Why, instead of just adding more vehicles to Israel like should have happened over a year ago (not a single vehicle added since then) and disperse the existing RP costs over them, you increase costs?
Vautours in particular got nuked this update due to removal of their air spawn, so where’s the logic in increasing their costs further?

Also, tank crewmen aren’t pilots, and vice versa. So I don’t see how tying a crew to a slot rather than a vehicle makes sense. Talisman and expert crew costs need to go down at least 50%.


I wish, but no. Any player who sunk at least one RP into the vehicle prior to its removal can finish researching it any time. I know some players that never finished researching theirs, for example.

That research cost is also subject to alterations.

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Isnt it 50%? Wasnt that announced in the last one?

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Ah… fair enough

NVM, I’m stupid. I read the ground vehicles and forgot I read the ground vehicles.

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Here’s the critique: Higher BR ground vehicles aren’t listed.
TKX, IPM1, M1A2 SEP, German 2A6, Strv 122B, Ariete are some of the missing assets.

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“This issue was partially fixed on the winter version of this map, and now these fixes have been applied to the summer version”

Erhm guys, you can literally shot from spawn to spawn or go spawn camping within 30 seconds of the match in the winter version (depends on which spawn you choose)

Its worse than ever


Exactly. The new winter version is significantly worse in regards to spawn killing. All they really needed to do was make the spawns on the eastern side a bit safer to traverse through, since the one closest to the town was a death trap due to spawn snipers. And the spawn in the field was too far and too exposed.

Instead the winter map just makes it easier to spawn kill on western spawn that’s on the hill. I’ve seen players get shot at while they’re still crossing the treeline at the start of a game.


bigger maps are not going to happen, are they?

Also by removing ambush spots, are you guys interested in making this in boring, straightforward almost-like FPS Shooter or something? Part of the fun is outplaying, not outshooting opponent and you’re trying to take away opportunities to do it.

I had high hopes for map changes, and for me personally it was the most important thing of the road tree, but it seems you’re going to a direction that is very boring, and I might as well just look for a different game.


I think foldered top tier ground vehicles will still get the 50% RP cost reduction, I don’t know why it isn’t in the table, but taking what they said in the previous Road Map update I think it will still get an RP reduction.

Let’s show you another example: the new research route from rank VI, starting from the Chieftain Mk 3 to the Challenger 2E in the British research tree will now take 1,600,000 Research Points, instead of the previous number of 2,690,000 Research Points — quite the difference…

Based on this, I made what I think would be the costs on the upcoming tree with the Challenger 2E getting a 50% RP reduction and this is what I came up with

It lined up with the 1,600,000 RP that they said, so yeah they might’ve just forgotten, or it might come on a separate table.