Following the Roadmap: Possible Changes to Ground Vehicle Damage Models

its only terrible because your thinking its like WoTs method (its not) its also realistic and curbs spall liners effectiveness which is now hear to stay, cannot count HOW MANY times iver top attacked tanks with ATGMs and only breached (yellow crew) and they suffering nothing beyond breach repair at distance.

This mechanic benefits a lot of play styles but if you think its bad then dont come complaining when option 1 is added without option 2 because thats literally gunna be a fun one to see

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To the people who want to bring stun into the game over it’s realism, can you explain to me where do we draw the line? Where does the need for realism end? I am asking in good faith, since some are so into the idea of realism, that honestly placing mental health mechanics of the crew wouldn’t be enough.


Most of the time you won’t hit/injure any crew when shooting an Strv 122/2A7V skill liner. They either die directly or stay untouched. A stun won’t help in those cases.

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I’ve never played WoT so I don’t know what people are talking about or referring to. I absolutely don’t like it because it’s a terrible idea. Anything that extends or draws out the already stupidly long repair times is fundamentally a bad idea. If this game was centered on realism, half of the Soviet’s and Russian vehicles wouldn’t work.

Realism does not equal fun.


beg to differ, ive still hit crew and yellowed them on side shots with the minimal spall produced on post pen. this mechanic would benefit those situations and punish the player hit as a result. not adding this mechanic is beyond short sighted

Will this be great, yes, will it be more annoying if you can’t get the first shot off, yes.

Adding spall liners was short-sighted. We wouldn’t need to discuss this incredibly controversial stun mechanic if spall liners weren’t introduced.


then dont expect WT to cater to an arcade play style either… with your argument we might as well remove crew swapping or reload reduction when crews are damaged. your argument holds no water here

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Realism does not equal fun.

YES. This exactly. Stun may be technically realistic, but so would obscene repair times. Neither are fun game mechanics, and I dont want to be stunlocked by autocannon SPAA, and I dont want 10m+ repair times.

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You didn’t disprove my point at all but good day, friend.


even without spall liners the stun mechanic still benefits a lot of scenarios (like top attacks) like the lower penning IFVs against heavy targets or the breach shots that produce “some” spall and yellow crew on the sides. its happened to many times

At that point, just make ground RB like air RB. You get one tank, one life. It wouldn’t be fun or beneficial to anyone in the slightest.

you claim realismt doesnt make something fun but ignore the OTHER realistic aspects already present… cannot have half and half if thats your take on it.

Give constructive reasons to why its bad not just “huh duh realism bad” argument

So you want stuns to fix situations that are caused by broken damage models? Why not fix the broken damage models instead of adding an incredibly frustrating mechanic that makes the game even less fun? Top attack missiles do not need any buffs in my opinion because being able to disable a tank that is completely behind cover is damn strong already.


cannot have half and half if thats your take on it.

You can…?
Some aspects can be realistic, some can not be. Game balance > realism, thats why we dont have maus’s facing shermans, and why the BR system exists.

And if you think option 1 is them fixing broken damage models then you clearly havent played long enough to have modules just magically “eat” your shells/spall on post pen effects hence the people voting for option 1 flat out dont realise this is a huge buff and ironically is going to extend some fights with some tanks as a result :D

Hence option 2 would need to be added to compensate for that. I dont disagree damage models need to be improved but how are you approaching this? reducing spall effects? removing spall liners? etc.

Removing spall liners would be a great start.

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I recommend re-reading what they actually wrote

More detailed damage model is theoretically good, but as you said, labor would be intensive. There’s still dozens of planes waiting for custom mounting.
Healing wounded crew members is also good, but maybe it should only work when vehicles stays in the points. Maybe we should also consider adding a supply point at or near the spawn point, just as those supply regions for bombers in air battle mode.

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Imagine the APDS rounds are fusing with the armor and adding more thickness to it.