Following the Roadmap: Possible Changes to Ground Vehicle Damage Models

I am thinking of the practical effect of the way Gaijin does stuff.

I’m neutral on the modelling/mechanic proposals, but I am completely against a stun mechanic. It will harm the gameplay experience and it won’t be fun. There is also the added affect of potentially causing nausea due to the camera shake.

I think healing crews is a good idea. Having an all red crew is sometimes worse than dying.


gaijin doesn’t want sim alive. It used to be popular, but gaijin thought it split the playerbase, so they removed its matchmaking, replacing it with what we have now.

shots dont even go through the crew compartment


I am very pleased to see that you have started improving the damage caused by shooting.
I have been troubled by this problem, shooting multiple times but unable to destroy the enemy. Not even causing any harm
I hope to determine the fire of the pressure relief valve as death.
Now the turrets of these NATO tanks are burning, and after a while, they continue to fight as if nothing has happened. This is absurd.
In reality, once the pressure relief valve catches fire, it means that the tank has been destroyed. Members only have the option to abandon the car.
This difference leads to turret ammunition racks being safer than hull ammunition racks, which is completely opposite to reality.
Any war shows that turret mounted ammunition racks are the most dangerous. In the game, it becomes the safest.
For NATO vehicles that carry only a small amount of ammunition, the enemy is completely unable to destroy them by shooting ammunition racks.
And they can also achieve extremely high loading speed
This issue is particularly evident in the Leopard 2 family.
Determine the fire of the pressure relief valve as death. This will not have a significant impact on frontal combat.
Just increasing the probability of death after being hit from the side and back
I hope developers can consider this issue
This is very unfair for vehicles using a disc ammunition rack
And the game did not create any fire and explosion suppression systems for the turntable ammunition rack vehicles

bomber cockpits

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too much work to actually add realistic matchups look at the same tank facing itself in WW2 BRs when the nation only used it post war

I think you are on the wrong forum thread

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is perfect for sim, useless in any other gamemode, and good luck doing battleships like this.

is a no-go, it’s just going to be frustrating because you still won’t kill the crew members, however, it would be a perfect balancing for overpressure, dealing temporary damage to crew instead of nuking them out.

just how do you balance that, random fires already takes places and are just annoying for the victim and not really rewarding for the player dealing those (just like when you kill people by constant fire).

on the one hand gummy bears are a pain for everyone, both the player missing the kill, and the player having to play with 10% efficiency crew, but on the other hand, t800 crews tanking full on gun rounds are just ridiculous. What should be done is nerfing heavily the crew survivability and implementing critical are that are insta-kill. As for lightly damaged crews (light orange at most), it just heals. But for orange and red crews, it needs to be healed by a healing kit. An idea would be to reset the injured crew condition when replenishing a crew member.

what actually need to be done is a cone of destruction coming from the shell, so that you don’t have crew or modules tanking rounds. The problem isn’t really the ammount of spall, it’s the consistency of it’s damage. And on the other hand, you get aphe that can nuke you out by simply having enough explosive to OS you no matter your crew skills.

Look, I am getting too old to partake in flame wars full of hate over videogame disagreements, so all I am going to ask is; READ THE DEV BLOG BEFORE VOTING.

It is fine if you read it, disagree with it, and vote “NO”.

But at least, whatever you are voting, make sure you know what you are voting.

Many people who are voting “no” are automatically assuming that the suggested mechanic would work like WoT’s when it literally has nothing to do with it.

So… it is perfectly fine if you don’t like it and don’t want it ingame. Everyone is entitled to their opinion (even those who disagree with you, as hard as it may be to some of you to accept it). But at least make sure you actually know what you are voting instead of drawing wrong conclussions.


ah yes work in progress for 11 years, gaijin has a bad track record of starting something and not finishing it due to the update cycle being as it is and them limiting themselves to only adding major things in those updates instead of as a drip feed

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it’s a rework of aphe, what i’m talking about is a rework of solid shots.

You don’t know if they didn’t read it. And it says right there in the devblog that is going to add some impairment to you when it happens. And we don’t want that. Who would? That doesn’t enrich the experience at all.


why wouldnt AP shots be included?

I know it because, in Reddit, many users are comparing it to WoT’s mechanic and saying how bad it would be that “any hit to the tank (even non-penning ones according to some) would stun the crew for 10 seconds” even though the dev blog specifically indicates that the mechanic would only trigger upon a crew member being hit, and only for 1-2 seconds, and not over the tank being hit at all.

If people read it, disagree with it and vote “NO”, I am more than happy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I want the majority to win.

But it frustrates me to see people automatically voting without even taking a look at the dev blog first.

I think that, whatever comes out of the voting, should be because people understood what they were voting for, and not over wrong conclussions wrongfully drawn for not taking 1 minute to read the thing.

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Yes, which they add a corresponding modifications item for…

ok stuff seems cool but if we are getting more fires we need way more fpe since people camping and shooting the engine and killing you with a fire is already enough but if u survive that with 0 fpe you would just die the next time you get hit which is dumb. re work the fpe system maybe have like a 30 second cool down and unlimited fpe or something

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please no stunlock I will die of death if that gets added